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iPhone 4 4.1 + Greenpoison = VASTLY low battery life?!?!?!


New Member
Oct 18, 2010
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I jailbrioke my iPhone with the Greenpois0n thingy....and now my battery life just plain sucks. The ONLY things that I added were as follows.

Cydia ( of course )
Winterboard and a couple themes

That themes are not in use but before the jailbreak I was getting WAY better battery life.

Before Jailbreak before the end of day I would have 80% left on my battery.

Now The day is not even over yet and I am down to 56% left on my battery.

Anyone else have suggestions here? It has to be the jailbreak doing it IMHO.....
Winterboard & SBS will use some battery. Sounds like your still doing pretty good tho.....
Winterboard will use battery even without a theme active? :(
That's crazy.....but it makes sense considering that everything is stored on a flash and it needs power to keep it in there.
Mine went down dramatically as well but it's because i cant put the damn thing down after i JB'd it. I hope yours will get better though.

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With new features of the iphone like Game Center, iTunes, high dynamic range photography with high resolution available in iphone 4.4.1
Just upgrade your phone and use new features in your iphone.
With new features of the iphone like Game Center, iTunes, high dynamic range photography with high resolution available in iphone 4.4.1
Just upgrade your phone and use new features in your iphone.


I want FREEDOM and themes and the ability to CHOOSE what I want. Hence the Jailbreak.
I also have 4.1 jb with greenpois0n and have the same things i had with spirit and i noticed that my battery is drastically lower as well
My battery is still basically the same on my iPhone 4 after jailbreaking. Getting easily over 7 .5 hrs usage on a full charge.
the battery has always been a factor when jailbreaking, it has always been known to decrease a lot quicker than normal
With the Lima JB a complete theme plenty of tweaks I have been pretty impressed! I can get thru a day without recharging....(last jailbreak you could see the battery draining..& I just don't live by an outlet)
When I have the 3G network enabled, the battery drops very fast but if it´s off I can get it at least for 1 full day
since jailbreaking mine, i've noticed a little drop in battery life....but i think it's mainly due to me using it more. i close all apps not in use when phone goes on standby; this helps save battery life.
I had put the faster drop in charge down to using the phone more because its like a new toy again having jailbroken. I can attribute some of it now to the themes etc but as long as its not less than 10% by the end of the day I really don't mind - I'm happy enough to charge it up every night for the benefit of all the lovely features jailbreaking brings, and I was rarely above 50% by the end of the day before JB'ing anyway so nothing much has changed.