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iOS Gamers Play Longer and are More Likely to Pay for their Games


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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[FONT=&quot]The Loop reports today on a new survey from Nielsen which looks at the habits of iOS gamers. According to Nielsen, iPhone users are likely to spend double the amount of time playing games than other mobile gamers, racking up an average of 14.7 hours per month, as opposed to the industry average of 7.8 hours per month. Android gamers came in second to iOS gamers with 9.3 hours per month. The survey also found that 93% of app downloaders (all platforms) are happy to pay for games, as opposed to 76% of app downloaders who are happy to pay for News apps, for example. Generally speaking, games are the most popular mobile app category, at 64% of apps downloaded on all mobile platforms in the past 30 days, ahead of Weather apps at 60%, and Social Networking apps at 56%. iOS users and Windows Phone 7 users topped the charts as the gamers most likely to have downloaded their games, with 69% of them preferring to play games that they’d downloaded, and 70% of Windows Phone 7 gamers preferring to play games that they’d downloaded. BlackBerry owners were least likely to play downloaded games, at 25%, but most likely to play preloaded games, at 63%.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Source: Study shows iOS users play, pay for more games,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Play Before Work: Games Most Popular Mobile App Category in US | Nielsen Wire[/FONT]
it drains the battery so much though when you play games but you end you playing then having it hooked up to the charger for hours longer