I Need Help!

I Need Help!


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Oct 22, 2010
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Hi all, i have an iphone 4 without a sim. I have been told that without the original sim this phone will never work even if i get another sim! Is this true? Surely it can be unlocked? Any help would be great.
HI, it was bought in the uk, but i sold it 'new and sealed' on ebay only for it to be returned and i had to give a full refund. The bloke said he tried his sim and a new one from his service provider and it wouldn't work. He said Apple told him he needs the original sim! I cant see this being true! Im not sure of fw and baseband! How do i find this out???
well if you got it from the uk apple store they sell it sim free working for any carrier, but if you bought it from a uk carrier like o2 it will be locked to o2 or vodafone or 3.....
The guy i sold it to ordered a new o2 sim from his provider but he says that didnt work. Does it just need to have this 'jailbreak' software? Maybe! I'm a bit of an iphone novice! Can you tell....
The guy i sold it to ordered a new o2 sim from his provider but he says that didnt work. Does it just need to have this 'jailbreak' software? Maybe! I'm a bit of an iphone novice! Can you tell....

from where did you buy it? apple store? vodafone? 3? t-mobile? tesco?
Well... my mate bought 2 both sealed from a guy he works with ( must be nicked ) not sure where he had them from......
the other one i sold i have had no come backs from so i prsume they got that one working fine
well if it came from an apple store then they are factory unlocked, if it came from a carrier like vodafone then it will be locked, i am guessing it probably came from the us locked to att that seems to be a popular place to get it from because its cheap. so you would have to use unlock tools to get it to work
Right! Is there anything you can recommend in that case?
if you got it out of the box with 4.1 firmware there is nothing you can do to unlock it atm
On the box it says:
Supports UMTS/HSDPA and GSM/EDGE does this help at all?
how do i find out if its 4.1 firmware like you say?
i am stuck at the screen when you power on it says ' no sim card installed - insert a valid sim with no pin lock to activate iphone'