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How to upgrade and preserve baseband.


New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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I just bought an iPhone 4 AT&T that is on iOS 4.3.3. Is there any way I can upgrade to iOS 5.0.1 or 5.0 and preserve the low baseband for unlock? Thanks in advance. I have a MacBook Pro. Not Windows.
There are a few different ways. It depends on what OS your computer is on.

If you are on a Mac then you can use PWNage Tool or redsn0w.

If you are on Windows then you can use redsn0w, Sn0wbreeze, or ifaith. iFaith requires blobs but I'm sure you do not have 5.0.1 blobs. And since you just bought the phone i highly doubt that you have blobs for anything unless you jailbroke with jailbreakme.com from Safari browser.

I recommend Sn0wbreeze. It is a jailbreak tool, that restores you device to a pre jailbroken iOS. However you can choose not to have the IPSW pre jailbroken by choosing "Baseband Preservation Mode".

All modes preserve baseband. the only difference between "Baseband Preservation Mode" and the other 2 is that the other 2 modes pre jailbreak the IPSW and it will already be jailbroken after restore. Tho it will be a tethered jailbreak and you will have to run iBooty (extracted to desktop automatically by Sn0wbreeze) every time you reboot your device.
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I just want to upgrade to 5.0.1 because it's the latest untethered jailbreak. I don't have a windows computer so pwnage tool is my only option. Do I just go through the steps it gives me then through iTunes do I press the "Restore" or "Update" button.
tortelliniguy said:
I just want to upgrade to 5.0.1 because it's the latest untethered jailbreak. I don't have a windows computer so pwnage tool is my only option. Do I just go through the steps it gives me then through iTunes do I press the "Restore" or "Update" button.

Did you make sure you don't have SHSH for 5.0.1? You an still use redsn0w to make an IPSW stitched with blobs. If you have the SHSH.
I just checked with tiny umbrella and there are no saved shsh on the iPhone. I don't mind upgrading to 5.1 without a jailbreak. I just want to upgrade without updating the baseband.
Thanks swimmer123! I'm on 5.1 with baseband 4.10.01. Now just waiting for an untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1.
Thanks swimmer123! I'm on 5.1 with baseband 4.10.01. Now just waiting for an untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1.
Just remember, for future reference, when updating to new iOS versions that you'll still have to create the custom IPSW every time to continue preserving your Baseband.