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How do you like your 4s?


New Member
Sep 12, 2012
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Liverpool NY
Hey everyone im thinking of switching from android to the 4s whats everyone think of theirs? What are some pros and cons?
Hey everyone im thinking of switching from android to the 4s whats everyone think of theirs? What are some pros and cons?
I was an android developer. I bought the iPhone 4S to see how I liked it.. dumped android the following day. I have been quite impressed thus far :)
I've never been an Android user... been w/ Apple for about 3 years now. There's never been a moment when I've wanted to jump shipt to Android. But hey, I'm prolly just a "Fanboy." LOL!!!
Had a buggy android once. Then I bought an iPhone and won't go back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
beautiful phone and very useful i find myself using it as a planner, reminder, to research and play..
When I first got my 4 s I was happy with it and it was easy to use. And now 12 months in problems started to happen like freezing screens, sound problems and was unable to slide bar across when people ring me ... I hope the new iPhone five will be better .
tjb90291 said:
Hey everyone im thinking of switching from android to the 4s whats everyone think of theirs? What are some pros and cons?

Be very careful of jumping ship..you my wind up hurting your backside kicking it as much as you will for not doing it sooner....

Seriously though the 4s is a totally different beast than any other phone out there not apple.Many do not realize how different and then slam them or complain

There are trade offs like using different launchers on androids,and how you back up everything on the phone,but,in exchange you gain so much more stability and quality IMHO it is worth the switch.I had androids since they first came out and watched all my family and friends enjoy their iPhones...but..stubbornly refused to switch till just recently. You couldn't pay me enough to go back now.

If you plain like flakey apps,piss poor gps,battery drain issues,tons of bloat ware,being forced to having to modify darn near everything on them to get them to work as they should from the box.....then whatever you do...stay with them.if you want to accept all of the bull crap that has been spewed out about the company and the phones and believe you can't modify these devices easier than the others....then don't switch

If you want a phone that works as it should straight from the box...be assured of getting great updated software on time,and have a top of the line phone that most android lovers really want but are too proud or stubborn to own and use...now is the time to make the switch...

I'm not a fan boy,but am a fan of quality....that's how I see it

Thank you guys for all the inputs they have been very helpful though i still have til February for my upgrade but will definitely be looking hard at the Iphone.

Sent from my Droid Incredible 2
So not to sound like a noob but you can't use aftermarket browsers?

Sent from my Droid Incredible 2
So not to sound like a noob but you can't use aftermarket browsers?
Are you asking if you can use different web browsers, than Safari, on the iPhone? Yes, there's several that are actually better than Safari. I use a Google Chrome browser for iOS.
Yes that's exactly what I meant like on android they have many browsers so I was wondering if you could do the same

Sent from my Droid Incredible 2
Very good to know cause I don't like stock browsers much

Sent from my Droid Incredible 2
Ill have to try out chrome for ios ! Keep hearing great things about it
Are you asking if you can use different web browsers, than Safari, on the iPhone? Yes, there's several that are actually better than Safari. I use a Google Chrome browser for iOS.

The main issue I have with 3rd party browsers is that you can't make them the default browser rendering them not very useful. Since Safari is integrated into everything in iOS, (non jail broken) I find myself still using Safari at least 50% of the time.