Former Blackberry user

Former Blackberry user


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Sep 24, 2012
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Where it's winter 5 1/2 months a year.
Hi all. I am swithcing over this week from a Blackberry Storm 2 to an iPhone 4s. I weighed the options and looked at what I do and the iPhone 5 is more than what i really need or would use. To be honest, so was the Storm 2.

The reason I'm switching is because my Storm 2's screen cracked this weekend when I dropped it. Also, the phone has been discontinued by VZW and RIM so I can't even find screen protectors anymore. I guess in the cell phone world, 2 years is a life time.

Anyway, the 4S gets here Wednesday. I hope I made the right choice!
G'day and welcome to the ForuM!!! :)
Hi all. I am swithcing over this week from a Blackberry Storm 2 to an iPhone 4s. I weighed the options and looked at what I do and the iPhone 5 is more than what i really need or would use. To be honest, so was the Storm 2.

The reason I'm switching is because my Storm 2's screen cracked this weekend when I dropped it. Also, the phone has been discontinued by VZW and RIM so I can't even find screen protectors anymore. I guess in the cell phone world, 2 years is a life time.

Anyway, the 4S gets here Wednesday. I hope I made the right choice!

Good gravy wildcard6 how in the world did you put up with that Blackberry Storm 2? Welcome to the world of real touch screen phones.

I had a Storm and a Storm2. Had some hardware issues with the Storm 2 and I was waiting for help. Started playing with the Original Motorola Droid. I new right then and there that Blackberry was light years behind and I took the Droid home with me.

Being a Verizon customer the iPhone was unavailable to me until recently. Now I have an iPhone 5 and I know you will just love it. Good to have you here, you're going to love your new phone.
I had a Storm and a Storm2. Had some hardware issues with the Storm 2 and I was waiting for help. Now I have an iPhone 5 and I know you will just love it. Good to have you here, you're going to love your new phone.

I tried the Droid for 10 days between the Storm and the S2. I wasn't impressed with it so went to the S2 which is what the original Storm should have been. Keep in mind the Storm was my first smart phone. The S2 was a tough and sturdy little phone and it served me well for two years. As I said, most of what I do is texting and calls with some pix, so I'm not looking for a whole lot from a Smart Phone. BUT.... since the days of the old flip phones are long behind us, there aren't lots of choices out there.

Anyway, I'm just glad the iphone is on multiple carriers now because truth be told, if it had been on Verizon from the get go, I may not ha ve ever bothered with the Storm.

As far as RIM goes, they are dropping BB OS 10 and a slew of new devices next year. I'm curious to see what they will come up with after getting pasted by Apple and Google.

Anyway, the new phone arrives some time today, so as soon as I'm up and running, I'll post something here. Thanks for the welcomes from everyone. Glad to be aboard!
I went from a BB Tour to a 4S. I think you'll be happy with it.

Yep. Posting this from the new device. I miss my S2, but only a little. I can't believe the increase in usability over the S2! Incredible! Does anyone have a good texting app to recommend that allows you to input more than 160 characters?

Actually, disregard the above post. The iphone automatically breaks up the message for me, which is all I wanted. On the S2, I had to send the message as soon as I hit 160 characters and then and then continue with a new one.

I just called 2005 and told them I'm sending their S2 back....
I think the only advantage of Blackberry was the mini keyboard, which was not the case with the Storm 2. You will certainly enjoy using the iPhone a lot more. It takes a while, though, to get to know all the possibilities, but it is mostly a great experience.
coliv said:
I think the only advantage of Blackberry was the mini keyboard, which was not the case with the Storm 2. You will certainly enjoy using the iPhone a lot more. It takes a while, though, to get to know all the possibilities, but it is mostly a great experience.

No, that is incorrect. Storm does not have keyboard. I had a Torch which did.
The main advantage to the bb over an iPhone or android is email and calendar integration. Almost complete control over email. Especially if you where on exchange email and had a BES server.

The keyboard on the torch was great but they have been getting worse. My blackberry Bold had the best smartphone keyboard on the planet. With keyboard shortcuts I could do in one keystroke what take many touches on an iPhone
OK.... I'm officially impressed with the functionality of the phone now. Unbelievable usability and complete control over tasks, etc... I've retired my S2 and it's occupying a place on my desk in its cradle (unplugged and powered down) in recognition of its years of faithful service...
zphone said:
No, that is incorrect. Storm does not have keyboard. I had a Torch which did.
The main advantage to the bb over an iPhone or android is email and calendar integration. Almost complete control over email. Especially if you where on exchange email and had a BES server.

The keyboard on the torch was great but they have been getting worse. My blackberry Bold had the best smartphone keyboard on the planet. With keyboard shortcuts I could do in one keystroke what take many touches on an iPhone

Have you used the keyboard shortcut feature on the iPhone? To create shortcuts go to Settings>General>Keyboard.


OK.... I'm officially impressed with the functionality of the phone now. Unbelievable usability and complete control over tasks, etc... I've retired my S2 and it's occupying a place on my desk in its cradle (unplugged and powered down) in recognition of its years of faithful service...

lol, and if you need a back up for any reason, there you go.

I have to tell you.....I just read your post about comparing the Original Droid to the Blackberry Storm 2. Yes, Storm 2 was a step up from Storm but not even in the ballpark to Droid. And as Droids continued to evolve they really did leave the Storm 2 behind.

But there was a time when an iPhone wasn't as good as a Blackberry Storm. I don't think the iPhone 2 even had a camera on it. Maybe that was the first iPhone but IMHO Blackberry Storm did, for a while, lead iPhone.

But not since the iPhone 3. Since then iPhone has just mopped up Blackberry, and I think that my Motorola Droid Bionic is close to the iPhone 5. Not quite as good but certainly a quality phone.

I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying the iPhone 5. I am too, I love Siri and the voice recognition is light years in front of the Droid. Have fun and enjoy.

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