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Finding other calendars to add


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
Lost In Middle America
I'm wondering about sources for additional calendars to add to my iPhone 5s (no jailbreak). I've added the holidays calendar but I've read that there are others, such as football schedules, and probably a lot more. A Google search didn't turn up anything useful, which surprises me. I'm probably just not using the proper search terms. Any suggestions?
You can subscribe to any .ics calendar on the iPhone. Do a search for: add ics calendar to iPhone

Then it's simply a matter of searching for calendars/schedules in .ics format.
Thanks! I found a calendar that had a link to an ics calendar. I clicked on it and my phone asked me if I wanted to add the calendar. I told it I did, but when I went to the calendars it wasn't there. There was another link to an iCalendar subscription so I tried it and it worked. Not sure what happened on the ics one.