Educate me

Educate me


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Jul 18, 2011
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I am in need of someone to educate me on the iphone. I have always heard such great things about the iphone and now that I have one I'm just not seeing it. I had a Droid X that I could customize to the hilt (being rooted of course) was almost unlimited as to the amount of customization and personalization I could do but with the iphone it is EXTREMELY limited. The only thing i can do as of now is change the wallpaper. I haven't jailbroke it yet but from what I have read that still only allows limited customization. Plus the amount of free apps on the Droid OS shatters the amount of free apps on the Apple OS. Am I missing something? Why do people love the iphone so much? It doesn't seem to be anything special from what I have seen...I am not trying to be a hater or anything so please don't start berating me. I am simply trying to learn and educate myself.
I am in need of someone to educate me on the iphone. I have always heard such great things about the iphone and now that I have one I'm just not seeing it. I had a Droid X that I could customize to the hilt (being rooted of course) was almost unlimited as to the amount of customization and personalization I could do but with the iphone it is EXTREMELY limited. The only thing i can do as of now is change the wallpaper. I haven't jailbroke it yet but from what I have read that still only allows limited customization. Plus the amount of free apps on the Droid OS shatters the amount of free apps on the Apple OS. Am I missing something? Why do people love the iphone so much? It doesn't seem to be anything special from what I have seen...I am not trying to be a hater or anything so please don't start berating me. I am simply trying to learn and educate myself.

I would help explain this but I don't want to start a fanboy war. You contradict yourself in you're last statement. welcome to the forums
If you do a search there are threads that compare Android to iPhone. Many of us here have probably never owned an Android, so we have nothing to compare to to say what is good or bad about the phone.

If you go over to the Android forums there are probably threads over there that compare as well.

Can't say there is anything I don't like about the phone except the glass back. Everything else is great!

Sounds like you are regretting your purchase??? And I wonder if you did jailbreak your phone, you might find much more to like about it???
I was really excited to get the iPhone but I'm not seeing anything special. I was just wondering if I am not understanding all this phone can do...
How do I contradict myself?

"I am simply trying to learn and educate myself." there are ways to learn and educate yourself without attacking a device that you just bought. I could learn a lot about the droid without even picking it up or someone telling me. if you would like help being try asking instead of using flaming words.
iCrank said:
"I am simply trying to learn and educate myself." there are ways to learn and educate yourself without attacking a device that you just bought. I could learn a lot about the droid without even picking it up or someone telling me. if you would like help being try asking instead of using flaming words.

I didn't attack my phone or anyone on these forums. I simply stated my observations and asked if I was missing something. What "flaming words" did I use?
I ve had several androind phones (aria, g1, backflip, captivate), and they were certainly better than the the first two iphones..which is what I had and was not happy with. It took apple 2 years for MMS to work
Anyway, that is NOT the case with the ip4. Build quality is light years ahead and battery life is so much better than ANY of those phones I mentioned that its pointless to even argue the point.

As far as customization, you HAVE to jailbreak. Why would you even ask? And if you know what you're doing, you can do just about anything. For free, too.

Here's my homescreen..

Rather than asking everyone to educate you, which is a very generalized question, why not try to learn the features by searching this forum and then ask specific questions when you come upon something you think is missing from your phone?

I am assuming there are already customizations you haven't found that you had in Android? Why not list them and see if someone can help you that way?
I dont' know what the androids out there have, but some of the things I love about my iPhone are the 5MB digital camera (front and back facing), the camcorder (which works great in HD, btw, and recording sporting events off a tripod), and its long battery life. I use my phone all day at work, and when I get home, it still has about 75% of its battery unused.
OJsakila said:
I ve had several androind phones (aria, g1, backflip, captivate), and they were certainly better than the the first two iphones..which is what I had and was not happy with. It took apple 2 years for MMS to work
Anyway, that is NOT the case with the ip4. Build quality is light years ahead and battery life is so much better than ANY of those phones I mentioned that its pointless to even argue the point.

As far as customization, you HAVE to jailbreak. Why would you even ask? And if you know what you're doing, you can do just about anything. For free, too.

Here's my homescreen..

WOW...thank you very much. Very helpful!
xrayeyes said:
Rather than asking everyone to educate you, which is a very generalized question, why not try to learn the features by searching this forum and then ask specific questions when you come upon something you think is missing from your phone?

I am assuming there are already customizations you haven't found that you had in Android? Why not list them and see if someone can help you that way?

If you can't help...just keep your 2 cents to yourself...
xrayeyes said:
Rather than asking everyone to educate you, which is a very generalized question, why not try to learn the features by searching this forum and then ask specific questions when you come upon something you think is missing from your phone?

I am assuming there are already customizations you haven't found that you had in Android? Why not list them and see if someone can help you that way?

If you can't help...just keep your 2 cents to yourself...

To be honest. I sort of agree with xrayeyes. I could write a list longer than your arm about what the iPhone can do. Particularly when jailbroken. For customisation you have to jailbreak (kind of like rooting a droid). There are plenty of free apps out there in the app store. A lot of great apps are only 59p/99c and are of much better quality than the droid apps.

What else is it your missing comming from a droid...?
xrayeyes said:
Rather than asking everyone to educate you, which is a very generalized question, why not try to learn the features by searching this forum and then ask specific questions when you come upon something you think is missing from your phone?

I am assuming there are already customizations you haven't found that you had in Android? Why not list them and see if someone can help you that way?

If you can't help...just keep your 2 cents to yourself...

To be honest. I sort of agree with xrayeyes. I could write a list longer than your arm about what the iPhone can do. Particularly when jailbroken. For customisation you have to jailbreak (kind of like rooting a droid). There are plenty of free apps out there in the app store. A lot of great apps are only 59p/99c and are of much better quality than the droid apps.

What else is it your missing comming from a droid...?

and I agree with both. Everything is in the jailbreak just as the op stated that he had to root to get what he exactly wanted. I just didn't feel it was right to attack the iphone bc he/she doesn't know what he do to with a iphone.

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