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Dictation and Deleted IM's


Active Member
Oct 12, 2016
Reaction score
Dallas / Ft Worth Texas
I had to type a message on my iphone this morning, and it was taking too long, so I decided to use the dictation feature. It is useful as long as you pay attention to the message, and don't cough, or sneeze. When I started a new paragraph or a sentence, I had to use the enter feature. Is there any way to say something like indent, or paragraph, to start a new sentence; or a new paragraph?

I tried a few different ways but I was unsuccessful.

Is there any way to recover deleted IM's? There have been a few times when this would have been useful.

What do the people of Europe, especially the UK, think about Charles, and his coronation this weekend?'
I wonder how popular he is in the UK and if his popularity is any different among the other nations of Europe.

To start a new line, you have to say “new line”. The same applies to paragraphs (say “new paragraph”). To end a sentence, say “full stop”.

If you’re also member of iPad Forums:
One of our members there started a thread, where he describes everything you can do with dictation. Though it was started more than ten years ago, most of them still work.
I practiced a bit and it worked as you suggested.
Thanks for your help

I could not find the ipad forum you mentioned. I thought it was a separate room. Is it a different website?

Is it possible to recover deleted im's?
( Responded to you in the conventional way, without dictation.)
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You’re welcome. :)

iPad Forums is a different website:

Are you using Apple’s built in app?