This is my story I got my first Iphone 2g about a year after release and I was pretty satisfied (mostly because it was jailbroken and I still have this phone) then the 3gs was released and then I got it after about 6 months from the released date and I was still pretty satisfied (mostly because of jailbreak too and i still have this phone too). And then iphone 4 was annouced and i was very excited for that one lol .. I even stayed awake spamming F5 on my keyboard to refresh the apple website so i could reserve it ..On released day I waited 6 hours and got the iphone 4 (32g) on release day.. and I wasnt satisfied ..any iphone without the jailbreak is like a hot girl that fully paralyzed so 29 days after purchase and still no jailbreak I had a choice to make either return the phone and get a Droid X (Which I did do) or keep it and risk the jailbreak never being released or something.. Now I've had the Droid X for about 38 hours and its a great phone and kills the iphone 4 ,but it sure as hell doesnt kill a jailbroken Iphone 4 now I still have the option to go back to AT&T and get back my Iphone 4 but the problem is that apple is probably out of stock and by time I get my Iphone 4 back it would probably come back with a fix for the jailbreakme expolit..any suggestions to what i should do? thanks for the help if any and... Hi i'm new to the forums