Cydia apps on ip4

Cydia apps on ip4


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Aug 27, 2010
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Hey I'm a new ip4 owner and jb my phone a couple days ago. Now I'm pretty much searching for apps on youtube and through google. I'm wondering if I made a mistake or something, I put limera1n on my phone and a few good sources as well, but what I`m noticing is that some of the apps I want I get some message `Note: The requested modification....blah blah`and also the app that allows me to scroll up and down as well as side to side on the main screen....

Thanks in advance.
You lost me there. What exactly are you asking or stating? If you are on the 4.1 jailbrake patience is a virtue. I know on my 4.01 jailbreak there are still apps that where never updated for ip4. They are still only compatible with 3G and 3GS. I have not updated to 4.1 for that reason. Some of the more popular apps have been updated to 4.1 support from what I have read. There is still alot to be updated though. So you are just going to have to be vigilant and read the descriptions of EVERY cydia app for now. You want to make sure it has been updated for 4.1 support. Gl. Hth.
Sorry for the confusion...but you answered it, Thanks. I`m figuring that I have to wait.

One more thing, I have that little red message indicator saying I have 2 msgs in cydia but for the life of me I can`t clear them off or find what it is I am supposed to be looking for. Any idea`s...
Sorry for the confusion...but you answered it, Thanks. I`m figuring that I have to wait.

One more thing, I have that little red message indicator saying I have 2 msgs in cydia but for the life of me I can`t clear them off or find what it is I am supposed to be looking for. Any idea`s...
When you open cydia look down at the very bottom. It will say cydia, packages, sources, and changes. Not in that exact order. Go to changes. At the very top will be the apps that need to be updated. Depending on the number. It's the cydia version of updating. I am on the 4.01 jailbreak currently and I have
Like 7 that need to be changed (updated) ,but the change is for 4.1 support so thet are not getting updated lol! I cruise this change list all the time. It shows you basically what's been updated on Cydia even though you don't have it installed. I frequently install from this list instead of going through all the packages. Gl !
That did it! Thanks a ton for the help Smitty.

Sorry for the confusion...but you answered it, Thanks. I`m figuring that I have to wait.

One more thing, I have that little red message indicator saying I have 2 msgs in cydia but for the life of me I can`t clear them off or find what it is I am supposed to be looking for. Any idea`s...
When you open cydia look down at the very bottom. It will say cydia, packages, sources, and changes. Not in that exact order. Go to changes. At the very top will be the apps that need to be updated. Depending on the number. It's the cydia version of updating. I am on the 4.01 jailbreak currently and I have
Like 7 that need to be changed (updated) ,but the change is for 4.1 support so thet are not getting updated lol! I cruise this change list all the time. It shows you basically what's been updated on Cydia even though you don't have it installed. I frequently install from this list instead of going through all the packages. Gl !