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Can't download photos


New Member
Dec 9, 2015
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Hi all. I've just bought a new iPhone 5 s and have been out and about using the camera. So I've been trying to download my pics to my Laptop running Windows 10. However when I connect my phone to to my laptop I cannot 'see' to phone on the laptop. iTunes loads up fine but when I look in File Explorer or Windows Live Photo Gallery my iPhone is simply not there. No amount of connecting and disconnecting makes any difference. I've worked around the problem using icloud but I'd really like to simply plug my phone into my computer and see me pictures. And clues guys? Any help would be really appreciated.
Oh and just to add I've made sure that the pass code is entered on the iPhone.
It should work from the first time you trusted the computer. If you erase your iPhone, you'll have to trust the computer again. I suppose you don't want to erase your iPhone, so go to Settings - General - Reset, and select "Reset Location and Privacy". When you connect your iPhone again, you'll have to trust once more.
It should work from the first time you trusted the computer. If you erase your iPhone, you'll have to trust the computer again. I suppose you don't want to erase your iPhone, so go to Settings - General - Reset, and select "Reset Location and Privacy". When you connect your iPhone again, you'll have to trust once more.
Once again many thanks JA. I'll certainly give it a try. I'm leaving home right now but will try later and report back. :)
Once again many thanks JA. I'll certainly give it a try. I'm leaving home right now but will try later and report back. :)

The mystery continues! I've followed the 'Reset' steps and forced the re-entry of the 'Do you trust the computer' message but still to no avail. The odd thing is the laptop definitely 'knows' about the iPhone as it can be seen and accessed through iTunes. But as I mentioned there is nothing at all showing in File Manager or Windows Photo Gallery.

I'll certainly spent time now looking deeper into iCloud Photo stream as that looks like my way forward....

Many thanks for your suggestions and if anything else comes to mind I'd really appreciate hearing it.


Did you see the link in my post right above yours? The part below iCloud should help with your problem.

Yep got the link JA - many thanks and I'll study that, but there's been a development.......

Computers are supposed to be logical devices right? Do the same thing and you'll get the same result be it once or a million times. Wrong.

I just came home from the gym and plugged my iPhone into my laptop (mainly to charge it) and what pops up? - a menu asking me what to do with the attached iPhone, one option being open up File Explorer to view files. So I chose that option and innocently sitting there on the left is My iPhone. Opened up the various folders and there are my photos.

I daren't disconnect it now for fear of losing the option again!
That's great! You got it working. :)
I'm wondering why it didn't work as expected at first.