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Battery life


Apr 14, 2014
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Has anyone else had any problems with battery life after downloading the new iOS 7?

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What symptoms are you experiencing? Have you identified certain apps that are causing a drain? Perhaps someone knows how to resolve specific symptoms.
After downloading the last update my battery life has improved a little. Is this not your experience?

Sent from my iPhone 5c using Tapatalk
I have the iPhone 5c it's a lot faster with the new iOS and I work most of the day and have a phone on me so I no it's not games that r draining it and I make sure to close all apps that I'm not using

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I have the iPhone 5c it's a lot faster with the new iOS and I work most of the day and have a phone on me so I no it's not games that r draining it and I make sure to close all apps that I'm not using

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There's the problem. Manually closing apps drains the phone resources and is bad for the system. The apps in the background, with a few exceptions, aren't using any system resources. The system keeps background apps in a cached state so they launch faster when you need them again. Clearing out this cache requires the system to launch apps from scratch, which causes the system to expend more resources than necessary. The best thing to do is to avoid manually closing apps and let the system take care of itself.

I'm quite certain that, if you avoid closing apps, you'll notice an increase in battery life.
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Ok thank u. I always thought it was better to manually close apps but thank u for letting me no that

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My battery life went down after the last update as well. Although I am wondering if it might be an app or two that I've updated recently. My experience has been that closing or not closing out apps makes no difference one way or the other. At one time it was noted that FB should be closed out because it does use resources that can cause battery drain, but I don't know if that is still the case after the several updates we've had.
My battery life went down after the last update as well. Although I am wondering if it might be an app or two that I've updated recently. My experience has been that closing or not closing out apps makes no difference one way or the other. At one time it was noted that FB should be closed out because it does use resources that can cause battery drain, but I don't know if that is still the case after the several updates we've had.

Yeah, the Facebook app doesn't play fair.. I heard that from an Apple developer.
Could it b cus FB is always reading the location?

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Could it b cus FB is always reading the location?

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You can always turn location services and background refresh off for any app. I turned them both off for fb long ago.