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iPhone 5c


Apr 14, 2014
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Anyone else with the 5c have problems with the battery life?

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which iOS Version do you have?
With iOS 7.1.1, Apple improved the Battery dramatically.
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I think it's 6 not sure my phones jail broken so not sure how to check the latest ios

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My wife has the 5c, and she gets great battery life. Not jailbroken. As with any smartphone, it has a lot to do with how you use the phone. A former Genius Bar tech offers this battery drainage test:

"Your Usage time should be accurate to how much you've used it since you took it off the charger.
So here's the test: write down your Usage and Standby time, press the sleep/wake button (or lock button, as some call it) to put the device to sleep, and set the device down for five minutes. When you come back, take note of the change in time. If your device is sleeping properly, then the Standby time should have increased by five minutes and your Usage time by <1 minute . If your Usage time rises by more than one minute, you have a drain problem. Something is keeping your device from sleeping properly, significantly shortening the time it will last."
My wife has the 5c, and she gets great battery life. Not jailbroken. As with any smartphone, it has a lot to do with how you use the phone. A former Genius Bar tech offers this battery drainage test: "Your Usage time should be accurate to how much you've used it since you took it off the charger. So here's the test: write down your Usage and Standby time, press the sleep/wake button (or lock button, as some call it) to put the device to sleep, and set the device down for five minutes. When you come back, take note of the change in time. If your device is sleeping properly, then the Standby time should have increased by five minutes and your Usage time by <1 minute . If your Usage time rises by more than one minute, you have a drain problem. Something is keeping your device from sleeping properly, significantly shortening the time it will last."
Yes that's it.