No doubt! I am currently using an iPhone 4 and am looking forward to the larger format & biometrics
That's one hell of an upgrade.. You will love the speed difference
thats going to be relative to users needs.
i'm still using my 4S 32, and tbh it is absolutely fine for my needs which are mainly for my business. i just think it is so hard for Apple to really beat having lived through windows phones, i don't play games or watch video on it, SIRI for me was not worth the move up from the 4, never dials who i ruddy ask it to.
My battery is getting fairly tired now so the new i6 might tempt me, and be a halfway option between keeping my ipad 2 or going for the air. just i prefer the 4 & 4s case and screen size, not overly bulky in my pocket even when fitted with a bumper, so i will be dragging my feet for some time yet.
I wonder will Apple pull the same stunt with bringing out a 6s & then a 6C?