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Apple Maps vs Google Maps [poll]

Apple Maps or Google Maps

  • Apple Maps

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Google Maps

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • neither

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters


Staff member
May 27, 2010
Reaction score
How do you think the latest version of Apple Maps stacks up against Google Maps?

What one do you use to get driving directions?
I like Apple Maps better, especially the 3D Flyover function, which works much better than the Google equivalent.

I used Apple Maps to find my way around London on my trip this past August.
For the longest time, I hated Apple Maps. It was absolutely awful, and Google Maps provided a wonderful alternative. Apple maps would often direct me onto a roundabout route, that should have normally been pretty simple. It has gotten a little better.

These days, I find myself using Siri in my car, and its VERY convenient to be able to say things like "Hey Siri, get me home."
In addition, Google maps has lately been taking too long to locate me. I think I'm still on Team Google, but Apple Maps might be making a comeback onto my home screen.
Apple Maps has improved but in my neck of the woods it's not there yet. It frequently can't find thing or process our addressing. Its like they visited once and haven't driven around since. And lately, it keeps routing me thru roads closed for construction which Google Maps is allowing for. And in this state it's either winter or construction so that matters to me.
I quit using Google because it couldn't locate me to save my life. I live in a bigger city and the past six months I haven't used anything but Apple maps. It hasn't failed me yet. The only annoying thing I find is some apps still have hard links to google. But most of the time I can copy and paste address and be fine.
Google just updated to version 4 and it's a very good app.

I especially like that they FINALLY, FINALLY added terrain, which I use a lot on my iPad.

Traffic reporting is also about the best out there.

And the new 4 is ergonomically easier to use and faster then previous, which means I rarely use Apple Maps.

I'm old-fashoined. :oops: When I prepare for a trip to a location that I don't know yet, I use the Michelin route planner online. As I'm mostly driving alone, that's easier for me. Most of the time, I don't need a map, that's why I use neither Apple nor Google Maps.
I've found that Apple Maps are quite useful, as a pedestrian in a strange city, to find my way to whatever sights and attractions I want to visit.
I've found that Apple Maps are quite useful, as a pedestrian in a strange city, to find my way to whatever sights and attractions I want to visit.
We tried one of the apps when we were in London last year, and then ended up purchasing a map to find our way around there. :rolleyes:

Maybe we'll use the app next year...
We tried one of the apps when we were in London last year, and then ended up purchasing a map to find our way around there. :rolleyes:

Maybe we'll use the app next year...
I think the larger screen of the iPhone 6 and 6 plus will make for a better experience.
I think the larger screen of the iPhone 6 and 6 plus will make for a better experience.
I should have added that I used my (former) iPad mini with the app. It starts getting complicated when you have to get it out of the handbag to look for directions every time.

During the 2+ years that I had my Android, I used a maps app about three or four times, and only because I had no other choice. I'd never have used my SGS 3 to orient myself in London.
Reviving this old thread, Today we missed our turnoff and I used Apple Maps to get us in the right direction which it did but when we reached the street we wanted it sent us into a Cul de Sac many yards away from our destination.
We used it to get home with no problem so on the whole I liked it.
Haven't tried Google Maps yet.
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I think Apple Maps has improved so much since it first started but it's not completely there yet. I also use Google Maps. Still better but occasionally it has issues. Biggest issue for me is that I live in an area that has a lot of strange numbering and there is no consistent way to make it work on either program. Both also make some poor choices or miss easier routes.