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Apple Launches iCloud Set Up Guide to Help You Get it Up and Running


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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Cnet gives the heads-up today on the fact that Apple has just launched an iCloud set-up guide designed to help you to get iCloud running like clockwork. Not everyone will need it, of course, but for those who have maybe purchased their first iPhone with the iPhone 4S, or their first Mac, this guide will come in very handy indeed. As Cnet says, the guide takes you step-by-step through the initial set-up phase, which begins, of course, with installing iTunes 10.5, then proceeds with the installation of iOS 5, which hopefully is going a little smoother today than yesterday when Apple’s servers apparently really felt the strain. And don’t panic if, like me, your iPad or iPhone decided to go a bit dead during the installation, simply run Restore to get everything back in order, and you shouldn’t lose anything provided you’ve already backed up of course. Once iOS 5 is sitting pretty on your device, it’s simply a matter of following the prompts onscreen to finalise setting up iCloud. And if you run into any more problems, the guide will help you every step of the way.

Source: Apple publishes guide on how to set up iCloud | Apple - CNET News
Apple - iCloud - Learn how to set up iCloud on all your devices.