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Am I getting screwed?


New Member
Sep 24, 2014
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I ordered a 6 plus on the 13th and my order status says due to ship between 11/9 and 11/27. I called and asked them what the wait time on them is for someone ordering one now. They said it's a 30 day lead time. If my order has been in for 2 weeks why am I going to wait longer than if I ordered today?
I'm not sure who you are buying your phone through so it could be they gave you a rough estimate that could be changed. I'm sure you heard how many iPhones were being sold in just the first three days. I ordered mine through AT+T and was told it would be shipped sometime between October 12th and 21st. Today I checked the order status and it's been changed to sometime between October 2nd and 12th. If the carrier or store you are getting it from offers you a way to check your order status I would wait a few days and see if it's been modified.
When I waiting in line at ATT and picked one up, the lady said even if you pre-ordered that night and got a ship date of oct 12, many people's orders were getting pushed back to nov and some even dec. now some people obviously are lucky and still have that oct ship date. you may have better luck with visiting an apple store every other day and checking if you want it sooner.
When I waiting in line at ATT and picked one up, the lady said even if you pre-ordered that night and got a ship date of oct 12, many people's orders were getting pushed back to nov and some even dec. now some people obviously are lucky and still have that oct ship date. you may have better luck with visiting an apple store every other day and checking if you want it sooner.
Yeah I preordered around 5pm that evening. It's just crazy that it's that long of a wait. I was hoping that some preorder people cancelled theirs and mine would get bumped up.lol
I didn't order ATT, but my pre-order with Verizon was bumped up almost 2 weeks. Was supposed to be delivered Oct 7 and I got it yesterday. Sorry, hope they speed things up for the ATT peeps.
I didn't order ATT, but my pre-order with Verizon was bumped up almost 2 weeks. Was supposed to be delivered Oct 7 and I got it yesterday. Sorry, hope they speed things up for the ATT peeps.

I also ordered thru verizon at 4 am on the 12th. So 4 hours after presale started. I got an estimated ship date of Oct 7 th I believe it was.

It's a love, not a hobby!!
Crap, now I checked the status of my order on VZW.com. And it doesn't even give a delivery date. Just shows order # and tracking? But no tracking #. WTF?

It's a love, not a hobby!!
I ordered mine thru tmo and my delivery date kept pushing back so I ended up going to the store on Wednesday and as I walked in the ups man was right behind me. Ended up taking home 64gb 6 128gb silver and a 64gb gold.
Crap, now I checked the status of my order on VZW.com. And it doesn't even give a delivery date. Just shows order # and tracking? But no tracking #. WTF?

It's a love, not a hobby!!
Mine didn't show a date either when I kept checking. All of a sudden there was just a tracking number one night and the next morning I received an email with the tracking number also. I ordered mine about 2:45am on the 12th, that's how long it took even though I was on at 2am.
Unfortunately, this is why I absolutely hate the pre-order process shenanigans! I'll be a "sheep" every year or two and wait in line to get mine at the local B&M AT&T store on release morning... :)
I always order directly from Apple, It's straight forward and if they do change the date it's to bring it forward in my experience.
I only order from Apple, never a carrier. If you order from a carrier, then you are working through a middleman, so to speak. Also, with Apple, they are conservative in estimating when you phone will arrive. It frequently comes well before what they tell you. They told me mine would come between Oct 1-6, but I got it on September 25.
Got mine about 2 weeks earlier than what I was originally told. So maybe you won't have to wait that long