A scary notification message that hung my phone.

A scary notification message that hung my phone.

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To be honest, what are you waiting for?? Go visit apple store!! Why are you trusting Internet folks over the apple store??!

Agreed, that is what I told him near the beginning of this thread I mentioned going to his provider, but Apple would be logical.

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Holy crap! That's spooky and blood curdling!
Bring that to Apple/ your service provider ASAP--- no NOW!

Sent from my  iPhone 4 using iPF.net App available in the App Store
Agreed, that is what I told him near the beginning of this thread I mentioned going to his provider, but Apple would be logical.HiddenPuppy
I would but how can I say this, the support guys for Apple in India are complete newbies.I've never found someone technically sound enough to get to the root of this issue.Anyways I will update this thread one I have had a chat with them. For now I have restored backup completely restoring to factory defaults once hoping it would be enough.
I would but how can I say this, the support guys for Apple in India are complete newbies.I've never found someone technically sound enough to get to the root of this issue.Anyways I will update this thread one I have had a chat with them. For now I have restored backup completely restoring to factory defaults once hoping it would be enough.

Hope this works for you. Please keep us posted as to what you find out. It will be interesting to see if you find a reason that it happened and a permanent solution.

Have a great day,
I would change my Apple account password and change the password to your email account that is attached to your account. After that I'd restore it.
I would change my Apple account password and change the password to your email account that is attached to your account. After that I'd restore it.

Will do that for sure!
Im also keep close tab on my CC account in-case I see any expenditures that I have not asked for.
Hey fellas.

Ive been using this phone for over 2 months with no issues.
However today I received a notification message when I checked the phone completely hung.
Luckily I remembered to click a screenshot button before I had to reboot the OS. Please have a look at the attached image.

The message is something like "V R watchin Ur every Moment by 3 Different Sources..". This is really freaky but I hope its not true. Is there a way some other device could communicate with mine and send a message?

I tried to look for similar cases online but no avail. Its not a notification from any of my applications (whatsapp/facebook) in fact if you check the screenshot it does not even show the application beside it.
Does anyone know how this is possible and is there any way I can check if there is any security hole in the device that allowed for something like this to pop up randomly.
Please help me out on what step should I take ahead.

View attachment 5126

There is nothing you need to do. The reason is very simple.

The screen shot has been EDITED after it was taken from the phone. So that makes it a fraud. The post editing is very obvious if you are an iOS developer.

1) iOS ALWAYS places a dark line after the very last notification. Unless there is more alert information than can fit (that is key to detecting the fraud).

2) iOS ALWAYS places the blue dot next to the title of the application and ALWAYS shows that applications name. You can NOT program around that.

3) iOS NEVER dithers the TEXT of the notification with the background.

4) iOS NEVER shows the Notification center pull down unless YOU the user pull it down. Which means you pulled it down partially, held the screen and then took the screen shot.

You can see the areas where you tried to use a clone tool to dither out the black line and/or the next message in the alert center. You dithered the word "Sources..." at the bottom. Basically a rookie mistake. Odds are you used a 32 pixel clone brush at about 25% or so opacity to try to hide the evidence that this was a fraud. In the process you made it very apparent it was a fraud.

Do us all a favor, please learn how to use Photo Shop better next time. This fraud only took me about 3 seconds to figure out. The really good hoaxes that people have tried here usually force me to spend at least 10 seconds.
There is nothing you need to do. The reason is very simple.

The screen shot has been EDITED after it was taken from the phone. So that makes it a fraud. The post editing is very obvious if you are an iOS developer.

1) iOS ALWAYS places a dark line after the very last notification. Unless there is more alert information than can fit (that is key to detecting the fraud).

2) iOS ALWAYS places the blue dot next to the title of the application and ALWAYS shows that applications name. You can NOT program around that.

3) iOS NEVER dithers the TEXT of the notification with the background.

4) iOS NEVER shows the Notification center pull down unless YOU the user pull it down. Which means you pulled it down partially, held the screen and then took the screen shot.

You can see the areas where you tried to use a clone tool to dither out the black line and/or the next message in the alert center. You dithered the word "Sources..." at the bottom. Basically a rookie mistake. Odds are you used a 32 pixel clone brush at about 25% or so opacity to try to hide the evidence that this was a fraud. In the process you made it very apparent it was a fraud.

Do us all a favor, please learn how to use Photo Shop better next time. This fraud only took me about 3 seconds to figure out. The really good hoaxes that people have tried here usually force me to spend at least 10 seconds.

Thanks for your kind words. Actually I was expecting such a reply sooner or later.
Whatever you have mentioned (Image quality loss) might be in the compression the image board uses.
I'm a app (game) developer myself on the iOS platform. I *could* do everything you mentioned in the post.

But I unlike others don't have time to waste and more importantly waste others time by spreading such rumors.
I've done a lot of research on this topic ever since this came up and trying to figure out every reason this could have been done by and I was quite unsuccessful hence I looked at the community for help.
The only possibility I found was Indian Government Memo: Apple, Nokia, RIM Supply Backdoors this. However I could not verify this is true.
I'm looking for hardcore techies who have experience dealing with backdoor on to help me get some logs/hidden data out of the phone.

Thanks for *trying* to help.
Just the fact that OP did not go to Apple store first raises red flags!! Even if the Apple store is full of idiots, something like this will immediately alert higher ups at Apple to investigate immediately. The fact that this OP chose to go to the net asking for help from strangers is idiotic...and should be the very first sign of fraud! Hahaha, he has done "a lot" of research, yet the one place that could provide him immediate help is the one that he avoids like the flu!!

What app have you developed so that i can look it up??

Let me guess...you're an Android user trying to have some fun? Dude, you better watch for those viral apps in the Android Market! Go back to your porn apps on Android!
There is nothing you need to do. The reason is very simple.

The screen shot has been EDITED after it was taken from the phone. So that makes it a fraud. The post editing is very obvious if you are an iOS developer.

1) iOS ALWAYS places a dark line after the very last notification. Unless there is more alert information than can fit (that is key to detecting the fraud).

2) iOS ALWAYS places the blue dot next to the title of the application and ALWAYS shows that applications name. You can NOT program around that.

3) iOS NEVER dithers the TEXT of the notification with the background.

4) iOS NEVER shows the Notification center pull down unless YOU the user pull it down. Which means you pulled it down partially, held the screen and then took the screen shot.

You can see the areas where you tried to use a clone tool to dither out the black line and/or the next message in the alert center. You dithered the word "Sources..." at the bottom. Basically a rookie mistake. Odds are you used a 32 pixel clone brush at about 25% or so opacity to try to hide the evidence that this was a fraud. In the process you made it very apparent it was a fraud.

Do us all a favor, please learn how to use Photo Shop better next time. This fraud only took me about 3 seconds to figure out. The really good hoaxes that people have tried here usually force me to spend at least 10 seconds.

And us poor novices that tried to be kind and help ;0( What a waste!
Thanks for your kind words. Actually I was expecting such a reply sooner or later.
Whatever you have mentioned (Image quality loss) might be in the compression the image board uses.
I'm a app (game) developer myself on the iOS platform. I *could* do everything you mentioned in the post.

But I unlike others don't have time to waste and more importantly waste others time by spreading such rumors.
I've done a lot of research on this topic ever since this came up and trying to figure out every reason this could have been done by and I was quite unsuccessful hence I looked at the community for help.
The only possibility I found was Indian Government Memo: Apple, Nokia, RIM Supply Backdoors this. However I could not verify this is true.
I'm looking for hardcore techies who have experience dealing with backdoor on to help me get some logs/hidden data out of the phone.

Thanks for *trying* to help.

I am not trying to help. In fact I am outright saying you are lying. Simply put JPG compression FAVORS primary solid colors and doesn't dither into them only around them when the compression is set close to the best look mark. IE look at all the other white letters, notice the bloom artifacts around the Ys from the first line? They are all on the OUTSIDE of Y. Also the compression routine treats all solid colors EQUALLY. Which means EVERY white letter would have been dithered the same exact way and as everyone can plainly see only the last row "Sources..." was dithered.

So to be blunt, NICE TRY. But your excuse doesn't pass the litmus test of truth or fact.
I have a question for some of the other posters in this tread. Can any of you actually get your iPhone to take a screen shot while the notification bar is partially showing? I have tried about a dozen times and can't seem to do it. Issue is, I am on iOS 5.1.0 Beta 3 which might act differently than the public releases of iOS 5.0.1 or iOS 5.0.

If no one else can, that might be another nail in the coffin about how legit this picture really is.
Skull One said:
I have a question for some of the other posters in this tread. Can any of you actually get your iPhone to take a screen shot while the notification bar is partially showing? I have tried about a dozen times and can't seem to do it. Issue is, I am on iOS 5.1.0 Beta 3 which might act differently than the public releases of iOS 5.0.1 or iOS 5.0.

If no one else can, that might be another nail in the coffin about how legit this picture really is.

I just tried it. I pulled the Notification Bar down about 1/4 and then attempted to take a screenshot. It just put my i4 to sleep.
KaisrerBreath has only posted in this topic ONLY and have gone to great lenghts (fraud) to disrepute apple, but got flused out. Possible android fan and apple hater.
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