***OFFICIAL*** Received your new iphone 5? tell us about it here!

***OFFICIAL*** Received your new iphone 5? tell us about it here!

Well, thanks Verizon backup. You got 2 of my contacts. :rolleyes: Good thing my iPad had contacts and I also use Gmail just in case.

Lol ya vz backup sucks.

I'm waiting to see my wife's in person before I decide if I'm getting it. She should get hers tomorrow. I have the 4s and a galaxy s3, so I'm hoping the ip5 can blow both out of the water, but it will be hard beating the gs3

Tapatalk'd / Galaxy SIII / Beans Rom
Well, thanks Verizon backup. You got 2 of my contacts. :rolleyes: Good thing my iPad had contacts and I also use Gmail just in case.
I didn't think that verizon's contact back-up was compatible with iPhone?! Err, I guess based on that it isn't.
I just got mine activated and such but had to call verizon and have them do it because the sim card number on file was wrong...

i like that itunes had a nice feature to import google contacts, it made it easy to go from droid to iOS, i just wish i could keep my paid apps...
...and it arrives! Haven't even opened it yet but looking forward to it.
said goodbye to android today and got my first iPhone ... a 64 5 ... figured I'd sign up to these boards so I could get some help from you regulars ... thnx in advance for any help as I will need alot ...
Recieved my 32gb black iphone. Right now the screen looks horrible. All of the white background looks yellowish.
Is this caused from the glue? I know some people had this problem with the 4s but did it go away? I hope so or I'll be returning this.
Ugh cant use my phone till tomorrow as the sim was sent with my wifes number...:(

That's similar to what they told me. But I wasn't using anybodies number but my own.

This story really needs it's own thread but I'll follow the rules. Got the phone around 12:30. Unpacked, followed directions. Everything seemed OK.

I attempted to call and I got a Verizon message. OK, sometimes it takes a few minutes. Waited about 15 and tried to call it. Message said this number does not have a voice mail box.

So I called Verizon. They told me, gee, sorry, but you're going to have to wait 24 hours. Oh yeah? And what about all my contacts that did not transfer even though I used the back up. "Go to a Verizon Store."

I get to the Verizon store and guy says sure, it's 20.00 to transfer contacts. I said, yeah, right. He said, yeah, that's what it is. Unbelievable. I say OK, but I guarantee I'll get that $20.00 back.

Well the guy is shooting the breeze with me and I'm like hey man, lets get going. He says whoops. We don't have the connector.

Well, I did, in my car and I came back with it. Took about 35 minutes. I got a million duplicate contacts, totally fubar. Guy tries to get phone started, said he don't know what's up with that. Hands me the phone and says get out of here before I charge you $20.00

Now you know humor is one thing but putting me on like that, that's horse manure. I'm thinking about complaining to Verizon.

And I'm not buying this 24 hour story and when I make up my mind that I'm done taking crap I get serious about it. So I told the rep on the phone the story about how it's not working. She says it's her understanding that it's just like that on numbers like icoater is using. She gets me to level 2.

He goes on with me quite a while, hook up to iTunes. I'm showing bars but 3G only. He says he's calling Apple.

So then I'm on eternal hold and he tells me I need to take the sim card out. Now there is a tiny whole where the sim card is. I get a paper clip but it's not firm enough to pull it out. I got a letter opener and I got the sim card out.

He tells me to put it back in. Challenge time because when it came out it popped right out and I don't know what's up and what's down Finally common sense helps me figure out how it goes and I put it in. But now there is a round knob where I pulled it out. I plug into iTunes, it says no sim card. Did this 2 more times.

Then I realized that what I needed to do was somehow mold the aluminum hole back into shape or it just wasn't going to work. I tediously went at it and put the card back in. Success. But.

I have a slight burr on that hole I used to open it with. Brand new but dinged. Bummed me out.

Anyway that's my tail of woe. Now back to deleting all these extra contacts.....Oh....iTunes would have restored those for me too without making a ton of duplicates but nobody told me that.

Not a great start.
I hear ya icoater and hookbill. I am having a 24 hour waiting period before I can activate mine on my account/line. Yesterday, the Verizon in-store rep told me that since the sim card was set to the number from the account/line that the upgrade was utilized from it need to be activated/deactivated and then the original old phone re-activated. Then at least 24 hours later the sim card can be activated/assigned to my number.

Of course this was all after a lengthy amount of time of trying to convince him that I will be able to activate the iP5 on my line without making changes to my current plan. As hookbill said, this story may need to be in a different thread.

Simply put, prior to purchasing the iP5, I confirmed with 3 different Verizon sources (in-store rep, online chat at Verizon.com, and via phone with Verizon customer service) that using the upgrade from one account, I would then be able to activate the iP5 on my account without affecting my current plan. Many more details (account/plan/phone specifics) were disclosed to those 3 sources. I wanted to be sure I was good to go.

The in-store rep I was talking to yesterday was adamant that this wasn't going to take place and was even trying to tell me that the 2 year renewal would have to transfer with the phone!? He told me that he would submit a "ticket" to Verizon asking about it and that before we could do anything further I would need to have the current active phone (some LG flip phone) from the line that the upgrade was used, the account holder for that line (my Mother), the iP5 and myself (being the account holder for the line that the iP5 is going to be active on) on hand to complete the transfer. This was somewhere around 10:30-11:00 am, the store opened at 10:00 am. I left the store pretty upset but still with hope that this guy was just un-educated (using nice words).

My Mother and I were able to get back to the store later that day around 4:30 pm with both the iP5 and LG flip phone. Before we did anything to either account or with the phones, I try explain the scenario and the supposed confirmed end result to him again. He was still saying that it wasn't possible and also claimed that he had received a response on the ticket that he submitted that reinforced what he was telling us. We finally got to the point that he offered us to speak to his manager in which my response "fantastic, get 'em". He disappeared into the back for several minutes. When he came back out he walked right up to us and said "We can do that." He had a different demeanor about him from that point on but was definitely less friendly. Went through the whole deactivation/activation/deactivation/re-activation process and then said that I had to wait 24 hours Before I could activate the iP5 on my line because of the sim card. We were at the store for about an hour and a half for this process.

ARRGH!!! It was a huge PITA and highly frustrating but in the end it looks to be good. I guess time will tell when I go to activate later tonight after the 24 hour period.
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I drove by the local Verizon dealer on Friday morning right around 8am. I seen probably maybe 20 people in line. I am so glad I live on a small island. I seen that line and thought to my self, "screw that". I then drove by before going to pick up my son from school. Walked in, probably waited 5 minutes because 1 person was in front of me. I ended up with the last black 64. Finally, got the phone I wanted with the best carrier on this island.
I can't understand it.....I'm hook....don't they know that I'm suppose to be first????

Hook, I remember you from android community I can't remember the site but I believe it was when I had the OG Droid considering I've had a lot of phones...

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Was the third in line at Verizon, gave the second spot to my son. Got there at 2am, there was 1 kid in his car and as soon as we pulled up he ran to the Verizon door. I told him he could wait in his car bc we weren't about to get out of ours. About 3am another one pulled up so we piled out with chairs and blankets. By the time the door opened there was maybe 35-40 people in line and when we left there was still a continuous line forming outside the door as they were only letting in so many people at a time.

Not happy AT ALL with my experience but understand this was a learning one on Verizon's end too. I verified with customer service twice that I was able to transfer an upgrade from my iPad on my acct to my current iPhone4 line, then use my iPhone4 to start a new non-contracted line - NOPE. So I ended up just using the new line to snag the iPhone5. I was told that the store wasn't send any sims cards and the store manager told me that I needed to go home and call the 800# and they would over night one to me or check back with them. Headed home and called ASAP. After 45min on the phone they said they would have to call me back. 2 hours later she called and said they can't send out sims that there is the 24 hour waiting period. So I called Saturday and got some IDIOT on the phone who fought with me for 50 minutes. My daughter walked in right about the point where I said 'ok, now you have pissed me off, sorry for me about to be rude but ... you are an idiot'. He tried to tell me to go into the store and get the sims, that I was misinformed and that the iPhone5 took the regular sims card that all the other 4G phones took, etc, when I proved him wrong on that, he then said he was going to send me out one. I told him I had to wait for 24 hours and I was good to go, he said nope sorry you were misinformed again. I finally got to tier 2 support and she confirmed I was on the 24 hour wait time but since the rep I had just got off the phone with put the iPhone5 back on the the new number as active I was going to have to wait another 24 hours. So Sunday I was finally able to switch the phones online and active the iPhone5 on my number where it should be.

Love my Black 64G so far. Started this adventure at 2am Friday morning to finally have the phone active at 7am Sunday morning. Was just going to pre order but my son travels for work and he needed to grab one in the store as he wasn't sure when he would be home to have it shipped to him. Dang kids!

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