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IOS vs Android

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since this is an apple fourm it's only obvious that things will be one sided. first let me start by saying i agree with alot of you folks about orther android phones. yea i had orther android phones like the nexus and the evo4g. and the os was laggy. but since the GS2 came out, it's totally new ball game. right now i have both a GS2 and a ip4s i will give you my take on both. first let me start off by saying you can't go wrong with either device both are at the top of the food chain. both are very fast so fast that really speed is not an issue no more. who really cares if a phone is like 1 sec faster. now before apple was the king as far as scrolling smoothnest. not the case no more the GS2 is smoother and faster when scrolling. now if you want a bigger screen thiers no place for you to go but android. but i also understand if you have small hands then bigger may not be your bag. that's ok to. battery life not an issue with the GS2 will last you all day with heavy usage the 4s on the other hand does not do so well even with the smaller screen. can't ask for more than that with a phone with a big screen. rather than go on and on. why not just do a youtube search and watch as many videos as you can and then decide. here i will start you off with your first one here. you alone can make your own decision.
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since this is an apple fourm it's only obvious that things will be one sided. first let me start by saying i agree with alot of you folks about orther android phones. yea i had orther android phones like the nexus and the evo4g. and the os was laggy. but since the GS2 came out, it's totally new ball game. right now i have both a GS2 and a ip4s i will give you my take on both. first let me start off by saying you can't go wrong with either device both are at the top of the food chain. both are very fast so fast that really speed is not an issue no more. who really cares if a phone is like 1 sec faster. now before apple was the king as far as scrolling smoothnest. not the case no more the GS2 is smoother and faster when scrolling. now if you want a bigger screen thiers no place for you to go but android. but i also understand if you have small hands then bigger may not be your bag. that's ok to. battery life not an issue with the GS2 will last you all day with heavy usage the 4s on the other hand does not do so well even with the smaller screen. can't ask for more than that with a phone with a big screen. rather than go on and on. why not just do a youtube search and watch as many videos as you can and then decide. here i will start you off with your first one here. you alone can make your own decision.
YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bphZoV8VrLc

You made some valid points, iOS is more reliable.
You made some valid points, iOS is more reliable.
your only as reliable as far as your batt will take you. cause once your batt is dead reliabilty goes out the window. and it's no secret the GS2 battery last longer. not to mention it's removable.
your only as reliable as far as your batt will take you. cause once your batt is dead reliabilty goes out the window. and it's no secret the GS2 battery last longer. not to mention it's removable.

Really? That is going to be your argument? That reliability is based on battery life?

Try rewording your response. Something like:

"It doesn't matter how reliable the OS is, if it is no longer running due to the phone being off."

See the difference? One makes no sense in context the other does.
I have never owned an android phone before but I have played with them extensively because I have alot of friends that have them.....and one thing I don't like about android is the lag when scrolling or flipping pages. Its OS is no where as smooth as iOS.
Droid 2, Droid Incredible, Droid Incredible 2, Droid X, Droid X2, 2 unknown samsung and 1 windows phone (my family phones) me droid x bought - getting old larger screen easier to read...then came updates after updates all phones except windows are crashing rebooting crashing missed phone calls from 91 yoa father..looked at fellow workers
iphone 4...i could read it easier then my X, set alarm for 3:00 am...ordered 4S havent missed a call since not one reboot not one crash...now rest of family well lets just say waiting for upgrade dates...thank you APPLE
That analytical debate is actually kind of funny. Saying Android owns 52% of the market doesn't really mean anything. Lets put this in perspective.

2011 top 5 selling smart phones phones during Q2, via NPD’s Mobile Phone Track service:
  1. Apple iPhone 4
  2. Apple iPhone 3GS
  3. HTC EVO 4G
  4. HTC Inspire 4G
  5. Samsung INTENSITYII
BTW, if you check the yearly numbers, an iPhone has been the top selling phone for the last 3.5 calendar years and for the last 18 months the iPhone has held the top 2 spots.

Now how many Android phones did it take to get that 52%? 170+ made by 32 different manufactures. Hmmm.... I guess if your flood the market with enough low cost devices, someone is bound to buy it. Apple on the other hand doesn't seem to have that issue. They only have used 5 versions of the iPhone to get to 18.2%. OH and the iPhone 5 will be the first truly global iPhone released. I wonder how Androids number are going to do once that happens?

Every time I have an argument with someone with an android phone, this 52% global share is always thrown in. Android users will purposely deny the fact that there are 170+ android phones out there competing against only 2 iphones (not including 4S yet). With only 2 iphones, 18% market share is unbelievable!
^ lol bingo eyephonefour. I don't know why that's such a big deal to me but it is.
your only as reliable as far as your batt will take you. cause once your batt is dead reliabilty goes out the window. and it's no secret the GS2 battery last longer. not to mention it's removable.

Your argument here isn't relevant to what we were talking about. But since you want to discuss hardware, that's really all android has going for it at the moment. Hoping that larger screens, bigger processors, and RAM will make the difference. Hello.... The software has to operator or instruct the hardware, and it doesn't do a good job.

My wife's android was put on the counter and it shut itself off. Software issue.
She tried to access a contact to make a call. When she tapped the desired contact, she was taken to another screen. Software issue.
Non user initiated reboots
Poor battery as a result of poor applications. Software issue.
Lagging when scrolling on thumbnails. Software issues.
I could go on and on. These are solid facts, not bias opinion.

iOS is well thought out, and has a far better polish. Did you notice the two failure at the Galaxy Nexus unveiling? (face recognition, and the texting feature) None of those happened at the WWDC Event. The iPhone does what it is designed to do and it does it well.

Another example would be flash. I thought once having an android it would be cool. But I found that as a result I was constantly refreshing web pages, or they would crash. This isn't a problem with iOS. Plus android's stock browser is garbage, why do you think most people download other mobile web browsing apps? I'm done! I said that earlier but more and more things keep coming to mind. But you get the picture.
megalosdog said:
Yep. Bad software, always has been and always will. Another big downer is that the carriers and manufacturers can trash it as much as they want.

Another good point! Manufactures UI's don't help the ailing OS.
I'm not saying Android is completely worthless. I mean it has good social web integration. It just needs the software focused on more than the hardware.
hinds90 said:
^ lol bingo eyephonefour. I don't know why that's such a big deal to me but it is.

reply that many android handsets are far cheaper, and thats fine until you get the net worth of phone sales.

Android makers are aiming low focussed on shooting down Apple phones and pads, surely better to follow apples lead to be more innovative and stomp any opposition - as Apple did?
I have never owned an android phone before but I have played with them extensively because I have alot of friends that have them.....and one thing I don't like about android is the lag when scrolling or flipping pages. Its OS is no where as smooth as iOS.
you obvoiusly never played with a GS2. cause i have both phones right now. and the thier is no doubt about it the 4s is more laggy than the GS2. and i am not compairing multiple phones against the 4s i can only compaire with what i have. and right now that just happends to be a 4s and a GS2. if you don't have a GS2 then how can you say it has more lag?
I own an ip4 And ipad2, wife has LG500 android, and a £60 android 2.2 pad bought as an ereader.

While I completely dislike the LG due to the poor keyboard response, the android pad is a much better experience and tbh for the money no robbery took place ;).

None of the apps so far have mess up, and neither is modified or have ever locked up.

Build Quality of Apple is way and above, but hey the Androids are doing the job they were bought for, namely a sat nav on the phone and film player/ebook reader.

lot said on screen size, personally i think the iPhone4 is ok, display is so clear especially for text in landscape view, matches bigger screens for readability (I wear glasses), and with the survivor case on is plenty big enough for a pocket, so a larger screen for the ip5, is not on my personal wish list.

I would like a 7" screen option on the next gen iPad, this about the only area Apple don't compete fully with, I wonder had they done so how many other make 7" pads would have been sold?
Kind of beating a dead horse asking an apple forum for apple vs android...Apple makes such clean products, and the looks of the phone itself have yet to be matched by any android, the UI is also very appealing (I love that clean apple look that their products have)...on the other hand android has endless customization potential. Once you start rooting android phones the options are endless (not to mention the speed of a rooted android phone is phenomenal). I have spent almost 2 years learning all the things I have learned on android (and I have learned a small portion of what can be done). You can make an android phone look extremely clean, just like any iPhone (check these two screen setups out: Purity on Android | MyColorscreen, Where Technology Meets Art, Time of the Season on Android | MyColorscreen, Where Technology Meets Art). I am not biased to either device they both have great aspects. It really isn't what other people think, its what you have tried and what you like. I really don't know that you can say one is better than the other. There are always going to be apple fan boys and android fan boys...trust me if I could afford both an iPhone and some of the latest android phones I would have em all! (Keep an eye on the new Samsung Galaxy Nexus coming to Verizon, that should be one hell of a phone)
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