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IOS vs Android

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It's smoother. It's more durable. It goes through way less problems. Better battery life. Better camera. Simple yet functional. I could go on!
Skull One said:
That is a very easy choice at present. For the next seven months it will be the next iPhone released. Come spring of next year, I will reevaluate Android vs iOS.

What do you know about the Nexus Brand, does it operate better than other android devices?
Haha.... I just got through read an article about Googles new flag ship phone. The Galaxy Nexus, the name sounds impressive, and so are some of the specs. A 4.65 inch screen, that is insane, and it's 720p with a 1.2 GHz dual core CPU, 1GB ram and the battery is 1750 mAh. It will be running the new ice cream sandwich OS , or 4.0. But here's the thing, it's slower than the GalaxyS II and much slower than the 4S! I think this is in the graphics department though, haha. Androids fans may not be to happy about it, maybe the software will be better this time. I also read where one columnist stated Google needs to focus more on it's OS versus the hardware. Said they need to take a page from Apple's book on making sure the OS does what the customers want, instead of wowing them with the hardware. My thoughts exactly!

Skull... What do you have to say? You know your input is always interesting. As a matter of fact... All, what are your thoughts? I also read a column about the Federal government adopting android for communications use, however they are making changes of course to the OS. http://net-security.org/secworld.php?id=11801
n2_edmond said:
Insurance for all Android smartphones in considerably cheaper than iPhone insurance www.ensquared.com

My iphone4 is covered by my bank against loss, theft or damage, as is the wifes android, our 3 laptops and my ipad2, even while traveling abroad.

Also housold contents and international travel insurance included.

My Royalties account cost £12.00 pcm, so about the cost if covering a single iphone elsewhere. Not covered is device failure, but hey its an Apple seed so i'll risk it falling into a pond and nio working afterwards ;).

So very very good value from NatWest me thinks, and suggest you ask your bsnks if they have a simular deal.
This guy summed it up for me, and I couldn't have said it any better than he did! And trust, I gave android a shot, I really tried to like it.
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p3unit32 said:
This guy summed it up for me, and I couldn't have said it any better than he did! And trust, I gave android a shot, I really tried to like it.

It feels good to have an iPhone again! I think androids good, but a little over rated. You have so much you can do with it, but doesn't handle most of the task well. The software needs the polish that iOS has, then it will be great.
^ I agree but i'm really hoping the galaxy nexus will be good since its a pure google phone. Apple just let me down not making a bigger screen.
hinds90 said:
^ I agree but i'm really hoping the galaxy nexus will be good since its a pure google phone. Apple just let me down not making a bigger screen.

Is it all about the screen? To a degree I understand, having gone from a 4.3 inch screen to a 3.5. But the iPhone is simply better for me. I wanted to check out the Galaxy Nexus, but that phone and the android experience isn't strong enough to persuade me to switch service providers. Plus AT&T really stepped it up for me with my service. Really going the extra mile to keep me.

I can't speak on the stock android experience, but it's well known that the software operates like its in the beta stages. Hey maybe the iPhone 5 will have the big screen. I heard its coming out the summer of 2012.
Having just made the jump from android to iOS I finally understand what all the fuss is about with the iOS. After spending a few days with my 4S all I can say is awesome. I like this phone already far better then I ever liked my Droid, it's sooooooo much smoother than android, no glitches, force closes, freezes and other issues that plagued me with my android phone. There will be things I will miss it overall I'm glad I made the switch and I wish I had made it a long time ago. Android has a long way to go before I will ever think about going back.

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk
I agree ios is much better. I never have force closes or anything of that nature like I had on android and I did the rooting and under/overclocking thing. I just really enjoyed the customization of android but i've never had a jailbroken iphone. Lol I have really big hands so I was really hoping for a bigger screen. If only 4 inchs I would be happy.

I really have been enjoying ios5 though especially since all my messages have been getting pushed to my phone.
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hinds90 said:
I agree ios is much better. I never have force closes or anything of that nature like I had on android and I did the rooting and under/overclocking thing. I just really enjoyed the customization of android but i've never had a jailbroken iphone.

To me the excitement with Android was personally hacking the OS, to get it to work to individual standards. The customization is good but you pay for it in battery usage. Plus some of the applications have rogue behavior, using system resources and not closing' crashing the OS. I really just gave up on it, towards the end the experience got worse. To many software issues for me.
Better is only a matter of perspective. I have an 4s and a friend has a NexusS, I can tell you that we can almost do the same things almost the same way.
Once you install all the applications you need, you stop fiddling and stability is good, at least for my friend.
iOS might be more "stable", but that is only because we can't install anything that has system rights. Just try to stop Bluetooth, Wifi or 3g Data without going 5 levels deep in Settings. Cripple Android the same way iOS is and I assure you that is is just as stable.
I like my 4s but some applications are available only on Cydia, and at the moment I don't want to go there. Maybe all those running wild (jailbreak) can comment on stability.
I've heard of many software cases with all Android phones, even the stock ones. That come from the analyst, users, and testers. There are some Android users out there that maybe able honestly state what you've stated but not many. The thing is they are use to it, that's why they hack it so much. Plus all the hardware variations make it even worse. People's biggest complaint with iOS normally stems from hardware, which is the basis of android. Very seldom do people using iOS have the problems with the software that is associated with Android.
I came from windows mobile to iPhone, from what I read in here android seems much the same regarding problems of locking and glitches.

For me the phone side has to work being the 1st concideration. missed calls can cost me a lot of money if that client gets an answer quicker from someone else, simply because my phone has unknowingly crashed.

Smart software has to be smart enough to work directly from installation and set up, I don't need to be faffing about with a mirade of options that mostly only add eye candy.

Nokia at one time ruled the world with a simple 3310, it was robust had a very loud ring and excellent battery life, which made it the builders favorite.

Lot to be said in the 'kiss' rule me thinks
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