Wow, The '09 Iphone 3GS Review Sounds Eerily Similar to the Iphone 4S Review of Today

Wow, The '09 Iphone 3GS Review Sounds Eerily Similar to the Iphone 4S Review of Today


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Oct 20, 2010
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I'm relatively new to the whole Apple scene. I hated Apple until I got an Ipod Touch in July of 2010. Well, that exposure to the sweet goodness that is iOS baptized me wholeheartedly into the Apple Saved Throng.

I stumbled on this review of the 3GS and couldn't believe how similar the review by Engadget was the concensus of the 4S.

iPhone 3GS review -- Engadget

Everyone was disappointed it was "just a speed and graphics bump" and the real story was software related. You could have cut and paste the conclusion from this article and slapped it onto an iphone 4s review. With history as hindsight we all know what happened. The Apple hardware engineers spent two years getting ready to blow the socks of the world when they revealed the iphone 4.

I suppose this is about to happen again next summer when the iphone 5 is revealed. The Apple hardware engineers have been feverishly working on something for the past 16 months and I'm pretty sure it WASN'T the 4S. Heck, they could have released that alongside the ipad2 months ago.

And I had no idea that features I take for granted like cut/paste and push notifications were a big deal as recently as 2009. Wow, have things changed rapidly.

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