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Workflow is a New Personal Automation Tool for iPhone Users, Currently Discounted


News Team
Nov 27, 2012
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Apple's iOS has always been regarded as closed OS, but there are ingenious apps that make it seep quite open. Such is the case with Workflow, a personal automation tool that enables users to drag and drop any combination of actions to create powerful workflows.

Workflow includes over 100 actions, including those for Contacts, Calendar, Maps, Music, Photos, Camera, Reminders, Safari, AirDrop, Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox, Evernote, and iCloud Documents, to name a few.

Here's a list with the main features of the app:

  • Make animated GIFs
  • Add a home screen icon that calls a loved one
  • Make PDFs from Safari or any app with a share sheet
  • Get directions to the nearest coffee shop in one tap
  • Tweet the song you're listening to
  • Get all of the images on a web page
  • Send a message including the last screenshot you took
Source: iTunes