What to do with my JB 4s when getting a new 5?

What to do with my JB 4s when getting a new 5?


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May 29, 2012
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Newb here...
I've searched around and not found anything that sheds light on my situation, so thanks for any input you might offer...
I have a 4s that is jb on 5.1.1. I'm gonna get a 5c. I'd like to leave my 4s with Sprint so they can credit me for it toward the 5c.
I'd hate to lose anything that I'd want down the road, so is there anything I should do to the 4s before taking it in? I'd like to jb the 5c at some point - so do I need to preserve any Cydia stuff from the 4s to assist with that?
Or, is it just a matter of saving pics, contacts, vids, apps, etc via iTunes, and doing a restore to get rid of the jb before taking the 4s in to Sprint?
Newb here...
I've searched around and not found anything that sheds light on my situation, so thanks for any input you might offer...
I have a 4s that is jb on 5.1.1. I'm gonna get a 5c. I'd like to leave my 4s with Sprint so they can credit me for it toward the 5c.
I'd hate to lose anything that I'd want down the road, so is there anything I should do to the 4s before taking it in? I'd like to jb the 5c at some point - so do I need to preserve any Cydia stuff from the 4s to assist with that?
Or, is it just a matter of saving pics, contacts, vids, apps, etc via iTunes, and doing a restore to get rid of the jb before taking the 4s in to Sprint?

The handiest, best part of Cydia is that it's just like the AppStore - in one main way you'll appreciate. When you buy stuff on Cydia, those apps/tweaks/themes are yours forever, just like the AppStore. So, when you get a new phone, you'll be able to go back to Cydia, sign in to your account and get them all back.

What I always do is make a list of the tweaks and such I currently have running on my phone. That way, I'll be able to remember what I had when it comes time to re-jailbreak and load the new phone back up.

I would not recommend you use any of the jail break backup helpers - mainly because you are making a huge jump in iOS version (in phone time, iOS 5.1.1 to iOS 7.1.2 is a l-o-n-g time!).

And, if you do everything before iOS 8 drops, you can still jailbreak that 5C on 7.1.2.

So, I'd recommend:

(1) Making a list of your Cydia tweaks and such
(2) Make a backup of your 4S
(3) Do a full restore of iOS 7.1.2 onto the 4S (to wipe it, essentially). And yes, DFU restore is probably best
(4) Trade the 4S for the 5C
(5) Initiate the 5C using the backup from the 4S
(6) Jailbreak the 5C
(7) Enjoy! :)

Hope that helps.


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