Water damage

Water damage


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Apr 27, 2013
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So last Friday my phone fell in some water at Uni, it was generally ok and stayed on for a little bit after while I tried to dry it with tissue but the LED was on and the buttons weren't working very well. So I took it home a stuck it in a bag of rice for just over a day, when I got it out it was boot looping so I left is to dry for another day or so (the LED had turned of through drying) and I took a risk and tried to charge it. This was pretty erratic and it was still turning off and on constantly, but most functions seemed fine e.g. camera, speaker, screen. I figured it was the battery so I got one from Amazon and put that in. It worked for a day, even though the battery life was a bit worse than before and I was happy, but the iPod part of the phone was still inconsistent.
However, I charged it over my lunch break and when I picked it up I got a little spark and it died completely, it won't charge, turn on tried to restore it and that failed. Had a little look inside and it doesn't look melted or anything.

Just wondered if its the new battery that would have caused this or an underlying issue from the water damage? I need a phone and I can't work out whether to repair or replace...

Any advice??
So, how old is it, did you get AppleCare, how long left on your contract (what is the penalty for early switchover to new iPhone)? If you can answer these you should have a clear picture. Also who your carrier is. You may be able to stick with a 4S, but with lightning connector) for cheap, or good excuse to get a 5 from your carrier. You also have eBay, CraigsList and the like (not a choice I would make for a phone, but...).
Thanks for the reply.
I got it last January and no apple care so there no warranty from apple at all. Its sim free, so I pay separately for a sim and they won't replace it, I thought it was insured with my bank but they changed terms so that's out the window too. Looks like a new phone contract then I guess...
Thanks for the reply.
I got it last January and no apple care so there no warranty from apple at all. Its sim free, so I pay separately for a sim and they won't replace it, I thought it was insured with my bank but they changed terms so that's out the window too. Looks like a new phone contract then I guess...
its worth checking with Apple as they will replace phones for a fee,i'm not sure off hand how much that would be.....i think its called an out of warranty replacement.

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