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To all u early iPhone buyers...important advice


New Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Hey guys I've just hear from my friend who works for apple that the fourth batch of iPhones should come with the software update, no yellow dot crap and less issues. As with all new electronic products it's best to wait until the first batch is delivered as there are always teething problems. Seeing as we all have 28 days to return the iPhone I would recommend u all like me return ur iPhone in exchange for another around 22 July. Hopefully this one should then belong to the fourth batch of more reliable iPhones. This advice is ESP imp for those who bought the phone on the launch date like me!!!!
Hey guys I've just hear from my friend who works for apple that the fourth batch of iPhones should come with the software update, no yellow dot crap and less issues. As with all new electronic products it's best to wait until the first batch is delivered as there are always teething problems. Seeing as we all have 28 days to return the iPhone I would recommend u all like me return ur iPhone in exchange for another around 22 July. Hopefully this one should then belong to the fourth batch of more reliable iPhones. This advice is ESP imp for those who bought the phone on the launch date like me!!!!

All iPhones will get the software update thru iTunes. As far as the yellow dot i believe that was just undryed glue that went away after a few days... Unless you have some major hardware/screen issues you shouldnt just be returning your phone. Your replacment phone from apple is refurbished just has a new case,screen. (not a new phone off the shelf) It doesn't even have the same box.
Actually no, when u return a product within 28 days u r entitled to get it exchanged for a brand new one - not a refurbished one. the refurbished one u get after 28 days up to a year.

yes all iphones will get updates and yes the yellow residue was glue - but trust me companies awlays make a minor change to the electronics in the second and third batches - they may not anounce all of them but trust me they do it!! rest is ur call
Hey guys I've just hear from my friend who works for apple that the fourth batch of iPhones should come with the software update, no yellow dot crap and less issues. As with all new electronic products it's best to wait until the first batch is delivered as there are always teething problems. Seeing as we all have 28 days to return the iPhone I would recommend u all like me return ur iPhone in exchange for another around 22 July. Hopefully this one should then belong to the fourth batch of more reliable iPhones. This advice is ESP imp for those who bought the phone on the launch date like me!!!!

thanks for the warning, maybe for those who have the problem that will fix it..

lets see what 4.0.1 brings
simply not true. if you get a phone with issues, you get a phone with issues. picking up one in a later batch is going to make no difference. There are not going to be any production changes.
maybe not Troy, but you never know with apple what they will do. maybe they will stick to the hold it different line
maybe not Troy, but you never know with apple what they will do. maybe they will stick to the hold it different line

they can make no antennae changes without fcc approval and all of us finding out about it. want a phone that's updated? it will be called the iphone 5
I don't care if they change or modify the newer iPhones, I will keep my first batch.