Thanks for having the answer! Introduction

Thanks for having the answer! Introduction


New Member
Thread Starter
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Erie, PA
Good Morning,
I received an email asking for an introduction to this forum.
My name is Janelle and I live in Conneaut Lake, PA. I'm an iPhone user for about four years now. My first iPhone was the 3G. I bought the 4G this spring. I found your forum by googling a question about the screen blowing up huge and it reminded me that I'd added the "three finger tap" option to magnify screens. I love my iPhone (except for my bill). I'm an AT&T user. I love the phone because of the ability to take both forward facing and back facing pictures but I hate the yellow tint it gives in low light. I love finding out new ways to use my phone and discovering new apps to add to the efficiency of my life.

I look forward to meeting you all.

Good Morning,
I received an email asking for an introduction to this forum.
My name is Janelle and I live in Conneaut Lake, PA. I'm an iPhone user for about four years now. My first iPhone was the 3G. I bought the 4G this spring. I found your forum by googling a question about the screen blowing up huge and it reminded me that I'd added the "three finger tap" option to magnify screens. I love my iPhone (except for my bill). I'm an AT&T user. I love the phone because of the ability to take both forward facing and back facing pictures but I hate the yellow tint it gives in low light. I love finding out new ways to use my phone and discovering new apps to add to the efficiency of my life.

I look forward to meeting you all.


Welcome to the forums. The iPhone is a little slice of heaven if you ask me

Sent from my iP4 while cranking the flyest GoGo bands! DC/MD