Text send button

Text send button


New Member
Thread Starter
Oct 2, 2010
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Hi I am new to the forum, can anyone help, my I 4 occasionally won't allow me to send a text. Normally when the first letter is placed in the message the send button lights up, some times it stays greyed out and won't send.
Any suggestions.
No the phone is in service, some times it will happen on the second or third text, if I switch the phone off have a beer and try again it works, there seems to be no pattern to it.
cheers steve
First I would call ATT and have them refresh it. If your still having problems I'd call apple.
Thanks Danny boy We don't have ATT down here, but I will speak to the store.
Hi I too have this intermittent problem. I can get it to work again by going to an old message adding a letter to the text then going back to the original text I am writing ...its a bit weird but something is out in the logic somewhere in this new version. Something is not being handled correctly I would guess.