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Sringbored crash


New Member
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Louisville, Ky
I have had my phone jail broken for about two months and my spring bored has crashed twice and then gone into safe mode why or how can I prevent this from happening? I have the iPhone 4 running 4.2.10.
I wouldn't worry about it. It is probably a minor clash between apps or tweaks. Mine does it every so often cos I have loads of springboard tweaks running at once. If it does it repeatedly it's time to uninstall the latest thing you installed but if it's just an occasional thing its not a problem. The first time you see it you think you broke your phone but its nothing to worry about.
My phone has also been known to spontaneously reboot itself. I'm fairly relaxed about this too I reckon I m just expecting too much of it. The safe mode seems fairly capable of coping with crashes
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Try to be careful on what you download from cydia cause that's what my iPod touch 4g would do all the time