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Right-Arrow next to email message


New Member
Aug 20, 2010
Reaction score
Good morning everyone! I have what is probably an easy question for you all, but a novice like me needs an interpreter! To the left on only one of my email messages in a right-facing arrow. It is not the arrow that indicates I've replied to a message. The message was sent to me and copied to another (if that makes a difference). Although I have many others messages to me and others copied but this in the only one like this. Any expertise you would be willing to share is greatly appreciated. Thanks and have a great day!
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Hmm... thanks for all the help guys (and gals). The right-facing arrow simply means you have forwarded a message. Just in case others were looking for the answer but were too embarrassed to ask (I see it got over 350 views)...
Views does not always means a human looked at the post. Unfortunately, the web-spiders and robots that crawl through web pages and index sites also count as "views."