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report to apple?


New Member
Apr 6, 2011
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I had my iPod classic stolen today. Using some searches I was able to come up with a way to locate my iPods serial number (Thanks to a hint suggesting /Library/Preferences/com.apple.iPod.plist).

Does Apple accept this information and able to use it in any way? Such as a blacklist on iTunes or similar? I wasn't seeing much suggestions for searches I just did here, but all those results where years ago and I don't know if something has changed.
I'm not sure, but I highly doubt Apple would do anything about it. Wouldn't hurt calling Applecare and giving it a try though. Best thing to do is probably contact your local Law Enforcement imo.
I had two Apple iTouches stolen and was shocked to learn that Apple could not do anything to help me. I had serial numbers, both were registered to me and I had a police report. I call Apple and they tell me that the thief could and probably would reset the units and re register to their Apple account. And there is no way to block or stop it. And due to PRIVACY laws they could not share any info with me or the police when it does get re registered by the thief.

Just FYI my Garmin was also stolen. It was registered as well. I called Garmin to report it stolen and they said if it is brought to Garmin for repair or anything they would flag the unit, contact me and ship back to me. They could not share info on who sent it in but would at least get it back to me.

No protection for the victim. But plenty for the trash that stole it.
You don't buy a new one if you get your old one back...
@tex sounds like you need to be more cautious about your surroundings. I wish someone would steal from me.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF.net
@tex sounds like you need to be more cautious about your surroundings. I wish someone would steal from me.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF.net

I agree ..... that was my Welcome to Houston. They were all stolen at the same time. My sons I touch and mine and the Garmin were the big ticket items taken. To really make matter worse. Everyone knows who took it. Including the police. No way to prove it.