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Question about iOS 5 jb

Skull One said:
I was really hoping you wouldn't type that. But that is your problem.

Well you are learning a very valuable lesson. Don't try to circumvent an iOS Beta. Especially when they are doing over the air updates and require the phone to have a proper iOS Team Provisioning Profile loaded.

You are pretty much hosed until one of four conditions occur.

1) You go to your nearest Apple store, plead with them to restore your phone and they take pity on you. Good luck with that one.

2) You spend $99 and become a legit developer.

3) You get someone to legally register your UID on their developer account. Of course the person that does it, then exposes them-self to having their developer account revoked.

4) Wait until iOS 5 is officially released and you use iTunes to load it.

Oh my phone works I restored it back to normal. I just really wanted iOS 5 to work. So I'm guessing theres no way around the developer and udid
Oh my phone works I restored it back to normal. I just really wanted iOS 5 to work. So I'm guessing theres no way around the developer and udid

You must have had a proper SHSH to restore. You were fortunate. And no, there isn't.
Well I registered my udid and it works fine thank you.
Cause it's awesome I just don't want to reboot from snowbreeze every time.
Thank you all of u. I've down it