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Quality of Videos Taken at Night/Low-Light Enviroments?


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Hey guys,

Could I get good videos with in iphone at night, say at a bar or club? By good, I mean able to discern events happening up to 10ish ft away. Me and my boys always have crazy nights out and how often spoke of documenting them. SInce i'm looking at smart phone, I figure I may as well look into it :p

Also, is there any discernable difference between iphone 4s and 4 for night videos? Are there any Apps that help create better night videos?

I'd appreciate any guidance in the issue.

Thanks guys!!!
Well I hope this helps but anyways , I love this camera on the 4s. It's a baddie no doubt, I was at WWE show , took great pics in all the lighting you could possibly imagine and I have a 20 min video that really surprised me with good video and audio. Wasn't blurry or foggy or anything like that.