Proximity Sensor question

Proximity Sensor question


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Sep 8, 2010
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Alright, I'm a relative newb when it comes to the iphone 4, but I've been an iPhone owner since standing in line for the 2.5G. I've heard that the sensor will bug and the screen will come to life during a call.

I've spent the last 20 minutes on a call with my other cell phone and when using my finger over the sensor, it deactivates the phone when my finger is within 3/4" of the sensor. When my phone is to my head, I have to raise the phone 2" to 3" in order to get the screen to come back to life.

What can I do to test the sensor further? Is this a bug that affects every i4, or is it a handset by handset problem?
Alright, I'm a relative newb when it comes to the iphone 4, but I've been an iPhone owner since standing in line for the 2.5G. I've heard that the sensor will bug and the screen will come to life during a call.

I've spent the last 20 minutes on a call with my other cell phone and when using my finger over the sensor, it deactivates the phone when my finger is within 3/4" of the sensor. When my phone is to my head, I have to raise the phone 2" to 3" in order to get the screen to come back to life.

What can I do to test the sensor further? Is this a bug that affects every i4, or is it a handset by handset problem?

It is an issue with every one. 4.1 that is coming out supposedly today. Fixes it :)
I have the proximity sensor is the worst when I take my hand off the phone and hold it up to my ear with my shoulder. Whenever I do that, I end up cutting the caller off, or starting facetime...which also cuts off the call. It will sometimes mute or hit speaker as well. VERY frustrating.

So I just updated to 4.1, and I hope that will help!
I am new here and I just bought my iPhone4 today!
The guy at the Apple store made sure I have ios4.1
Unfortunately, I think I have the proximity sensor bug, because when I make a call, it works fine for a while then it goes to speakerphone mode by itself, and my friend on the other end of the call, can tell that something weird is going-on. Then it even happened when I had my iphone earphones plugged-in and was holding my iphone in my hand. I hope I don't need to drive all the way back to the Apple store and exchange it for another one. Would that even help? Or would it do the same thing? Sorry if I am threadjacking.
Before the update my proximity only had probs when my daughter would use it(user issues), and after the update I don't have any issues with the prox.
I never had an issue until literally someone pointed that out and that it even existed, thankfully I'm a dev and got the GM Build of 4.1 and havent had problems since ;)
This is weird I still have it. Usually when I hold the phone to my ear with my shoulder it will do it, which I don't do too often anymore. But also when I am using my hand and barely move the phone my cheek will turn on facetime or mute the call. Might call AppleCare Monday and see what they say.
Yeah, my proximity sensor is still messing up on me too.

I love apple products but i dont like apple (if you understand what im trying to say).

It just makes me so mad that they said it was fixed and it wasnt. I guess the guy who tested this 4.1 proximity sensor fix was the same guy who tested the death grip. Jk

Oh and how is it a user error? Some of us are holding it up to our face wrong now?
Yeah, my proximity sensor is still messing up on me too.

I love apple products but i dont like apple (if you understand what im trying to say).

It just makes me so mad that they said it was fixed and it wasnt. I guess the guy who tested this 4.1 proximity sensor fix was the same guy who tested the death grip. Jk

Oh and how is it a user error? Some of us are holding it up to our face wrong now?

i bet the answer would be like, your face is shaped wrong haha jkjk, but i think its cool how the little red light is on now =P
Interested to know what percentage of people have the bug. I've used my iP4 for two weeks now and never had this bug.

Which raises the question of why it is a selective problem!