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plss helpppppppppppppppppp


New Member
Oct 20, 2012
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my iphone 4s i jailbroken ...and i have problem on the message alert tone and incoming alert tones...the message tones stays on 1 tone only no matter how many times i changed the message tone it will not work...and there is no sound on the incoming calls..plss help me how to fix this problem...than you...
Respring/reboot your device. If that doesn't fix it, remove the last Cydia tweak that you installed before the problem aroused.
sir i have a new problem now...when i lock the screen, the msg alert wont appear if there is a message..and in the push notifications in the message i press the alerts on the "alert style" and restart my phone...and after, when i go back, its switched back to none alert style mode....i can hear the message when its not on the lock screen mode...but when i go to lock screen mode, i cant hear a txt and there is no notification....plss help
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Make sure the switch is on for notification centers and that the switch is on for lockscreen viewing. Otherwise, you'd probably have to do a re-restore of your device by retrieving your SHSH blobs from Cydia using iSHSHit or TinyUmbrella and re-jailbreak.
my iphone 4s i jailbroken ...and i have problem on the message alert tone and incoming alert tones...the message tones stays on 1 tone only no matter how many times i changed the message tone it will not work...and there is no sound on the incoming calls..plss help me how to fix this problem...than you...

Recommend that your future title reflects your question, rather than the " Please Help." This will help members help you faster if the title was more specific.

Thank you.
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