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phone and battery life diminished w jb?


New Member
Jul 25, 2010
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seems like since I jailbroke my phone the phone isnt as fast or have as smooth of transitions between things as it was when I got it, and also seems like the battery life drains much much faster! and Im only running a few things in winterboard so I dont get it...
seems like since I jailbroke my phone the phone isnt as fast or have as smooth of transitions between things as it was when I got it, and also seems like the battery life drains much much faster! and Im only running a few things in winterboard so I dont get it...

That's why I choose not to jailbreak.. Not worth the lost battery life and speed....
Im seriously debating just updating my phone to undo the jb, the only thing I think Id miss are the sounds and the no icon labels for a cleaner look
I jailbroke just to see what it was like.. Have done it with the 3G/S too. Always go back...
hmm, yeah the biggest reason I bought an iPhone over a droid was its smooth fast experience.. But I will surely at least try the jaibrake...

Roy_Drage seem to have good battery-life on his jailbroken iPhone, he has been posting some pictures on his phone usage. He also got wifi always on..

He got more posts on usage on same thread
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I have found that Winterboard is a huge drain on both speed and battery. I removed it and I have regain quite a bit of both.
how do you remove winterboard and still have all the jailbreak functions to choose from and I did turn it off and now I cant find how to get it back lol
go to settings i think you can find winterboard through there, i had the jailbreak everything looked great but as it as said before battery life wasnt looking too hot, and also i had a few hiccups with my phone, or it would freeze for lets say 5 seconds or so, then return to normal or do a self reset, so i went back to being non jb, but i think i will give it a shot once it comes out for 4.1
My mom's battery would start to dye after a 15 minute phone call so she had to get a new phone because ironically enough a phone with rebates was cheaper than a new battery.
They told her a battery usually last 20 months, with sprint you have a two year contract with them, that means the battery is suppose to crap out 4 months before your contract agreement is up with them. I think it's a conspiracy.
Mine's jailbroken and I can quite easily get over 2 days usage, to be exact total usage last time out was 2 days and 9 hours.
Just wait until you start seeing gps and phone reception issues. That's why I don't jailbreak anymore. If you live in an area where reception is terrible, jb will make the signal even worse or in my case non-existent.
Ok well, if I have my phone charged to 100% in an hour or two it will be down to 75% or lower most likely, and that is only with texting and no phone calls. I am only running one theme in winterboard.
Ok well, if I have my phone charged to 100% in an hour or two it will be down to 75% or lower most likely, and that is only with texting and no phone calls. I am only running one theme in winterboard.

thats odd, mines jailbroken and battery life has got only slightly worse, hardly noticable, I find playing games hammers the battery. mine lasts two days on average and thats with winterboard, making calls, texting, a lot of browsing and listening to tunes.
ya if I texted for an hour straight and listened to itunes and made a few phone calls Id have a dead battery in a few hours...
if there is something wrong with the actual phone, and I un jailbreak it and take it back to apple will it still be covered or will they have some way of seeing that it had been jailbroken before?