Ok, got an AT&T activated phone, now what?

Ok, got an AT&T activated phone, now what?


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Jul 31, 2010
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I picked up an IPhone 4 today from Walmart. They wouldn't let me buy it without an AT&T contract. I'd like to jailbreak this baby and use it on my Tmobile plan. What do I need to do first? Do I call AT&T and cancel service first? Also, since the phone is already activated, are there any additional steps I need to take? Or can I just jailbreak it and then put in a TMobile Mirco Sim card? Thank you! I appreciate your help in advance.
Yes cancel it as soon as you read this. They are tricky about your first months service. I forget exactly what happens but i tried to do that twice two two seperate phones and i didnt cancel in time.

Next back up your shsh blobs with a program called tinyumbrella. You can only unlock your phone with certain firmware versions and apple will only let you restore to the latest one which might lock your phone out of tmobile. What tinyumbrella does is lets you restore your phone to an older firmware but only firmwares that youve captured your shsh's for.

Next go to this website from your phone and follow the instructions


Next look for an unlock in cydia for your frimware version and phone. It should be out by now but im not certain
Yes cancel it as soon as you read this. They are tricky about your first months service. I forget exactly what happens but i tried to do that twice two two seperate phones and i didnt cancel in time.

Next back up your shsh blobs with a program called tinyumbrella. You can only unlock your phone with certain firmware versions and apple will only let you restore to the latest one which might lock your phone out of tmobile. What tinyumbrella does is lets you restore your phone to an older firmware but only firmwares that youve captured your shsh's for.

Next go to this website from your phone and follow the instructions


Next look for an unlock in cydia for your frimware version and phone. It should be out by now but im not certain

I need further clarification, please. This is my first IPhone (coming from an Android) and I have no idea what shsh blobs are. Also, do I install tinyumbrella on my computer or phone? Thank you.
Shsh blobs are basically specific files signed to your phone. You need them to perform a restore in itunes. Lets say the dev team comes out with an unlock that only works with firmware 4.0.1 and older. If apple comes out with say 4.1, you will only be able to upgrade to that, hence no more ability to unlock. Tiny umbrella saves your shsh blobs to their server (its safe) and when you use itunes to restore, itunes can contact tinyumbrella's server and ask them if its okay to restore to 4.0.1 since apples servers wont let you restore to anything older.

Tiny umbrella is a program you install on your computer. Google for their website as it explains it pretty well. There is a mac and windows version.
Saving your shsh blobs to tinyumbrella is not needed but it will save you in the future if for some reason you need to restore your phone and apple has a new firmware that isnt unlock friendly. Trust me, its happend to me plenty of times.

Another way to save your blobs are waiting until after you jailbreak then going into cydia (the app you get when you jailbreak) and it will ask or automatically save your blobs onto cydia's server. The only thing about doing it this way is that youll have to change some files on your computer to manually tell itunes to contact cydia's server everytime you want to restore your phone. Its easier than i probably made it sound

Either way you choose, i advise to save your blobs.