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No commitment Iphone 4


New Member
Aug 13, 2010
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Hello, my name is JoĆ£o and I am Portuguese.
I'm going to travel to USA and I would like to offer one Iphone to my nephew that lives there.
Can I buy a no commitment Iphone as gift without having to present any information that proves that I live on USA or other information that foreign people doesn't have? I mean... Can a foreign guy buy o no commitment Iphone 4?
If I buy it as gift, my nephew can activate the Iphone and choose the Voice/Data plan ate home?
Thanks for all
You can't here in the US unless you are using it with AT&T. Best bet would be buy it off eBay unlocked.
It is better to buy unlock phone from Europe and give it to him then he can go with any company. I bought 3 from Vienna when I was on vacation they were all unlocked and work great here. I am not using AT&T.
He's not in the UK and apple will only ship to the UK..... So unless you have a friend you trust that's not going to be a great option.....
I just want to know if I can buy, not if I can use it, unlock it, or something else.
I want to buy one and give it to my nephew, he will use it with AT&T
No, it must be associated with an account... Even if you pay full price if your buying from apple/AT&T in the US.
I just want to know if I can buy, not if I can use it, unlock it, or something else.
I want to buy one and give it to my nephew, he will use it with AT&T

Hi , maybe you should thank people try to help you and give you suggestion

and at least maybe introduce your self , as here is not Apple service center .. right ??
No, it must be associated with an account... Even if you pay full price if your buying from apple/AT&T in the US.

Online Apple Store:

"For those who are not eligible for an early upgrade or who wish to buy iPhone as a gift, the prices are $499 (8GB), $599 (16GB), or $699 (32GB)."

How can you possible associate with an account if you are buying an Iphone as gift?
No, it must be associated with an account... Even if you pay full price if your buying from apple/AT&T in the US.

Online Apple Store:

"For those who are not eligible for an early upgrade or who wish to buy iPhone as a gift, the prices are $499 (8GB), $599 (16GB), or $699 (32GB)."

How can you possible associate with an account if you are buying an Iphone as gift?

Do you have a link? I haven't seen a gift option but that sounds like what he is looking for. If you are going to pay $699 for a locked phone.... Why not buy unlocked from eBay?