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new iphone4 user


New Member
Dec 2, 2010
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Hi everyone! I am new to this forum and new tot he iphone4. I am having a lot of problems with the phone at moment. Only got it las night but i cant seem to connect to my home hub, volume on the phone when answering calls is so low and cant change, when i switch wifi of the internet takes ages to load(is this a common problem), cant seem to get apps to download and cant register my own e-mail account!!!
I would appreciate any help on tackling these problems.


Contact BT about your wifi if your having problems with it or ask your carrier.

When on your main menu page (the springboard) press the volume up button on the side of the phone. Or go to the settings menu and choose sounds. The blue slider is the volume bar for ringtones. If it's full then perhaps there's somthing wrong with your loudspeaker. I find the default ringtones fairly loud.

When you switch wifi off what picture is beside your carrier name? Perhaps your not getting a strong data signal.

Email accounts can be set up in the settings menu under mail,contacts,calendar. What email account are you trying to set up?