New Computer Syncing

New Computer Syncing


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Oct 24, 2010
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I bought a new computer (Windows 7) and am wondering how to get it to sync with the new ---- itunes says you can only sync with one computer-- bummer :( --- but how do you tell the iphone that you want the new computer now and not the old one???

Running OS 4.2.1
By opening the new computers iTunes and going the STORE tab and select "Authorize this computer", with the SAME log in as the other old computer used. Now all your apps should be there. If your old computer is still good, you may want to go to and follow the tutorial on moving iTunes from the old computer to the new computer. Or, there are several programs that will copy everything from your iPhone to your computer. I think moving iTunes is the best way to go, because you will have everything that's in iTunes, music, videos, movies, contacts and so forth, on the new PC, not just what's on the iPhone. When every things working on the new computer then go back to the old iTunes and "De-authorize this computer.