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'Messages' Icon deleted - How can I reinstate it?


New Member
Dec 23, 2010
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Today I have managed to delete my 'Messages' Icon, and I'm looking for advice as to how to reinstate it. :messages:
I understand I can go to Settings>General>Reset>Reset Home Screen Layout, but I'm worried this will result in the display of icons being back to how it was out of the box, and that all my icons for downloaded apps will be removed resulting in me having to reinstall and rearrange these. Want to avoid this if possible as I've got them just as I like them!!
I'm running the most up to date iOS and the phone is not unlocked or jailbroken.
Any help greatly appreciated!!
Cheers all,
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I don't know how you managed to delete your MMS icon without some form of hacking, did you just disable it in your restrictions page? You might want to go to Settings>general>restrictions and see what is set up there.

As far as resetting the home screen, you should give it a shot. It will NOT delete your apps but will place them in alphabetical order and reset all of the apps that came with it to their original order.

If you could please explain how.
I have nooooooooo idea how I deleted it. I simply put my phone in my pocket, 15 mins later took it out and realised an icon had disappeared, took me a few minutes to realise it was the Messages icon that had gone.
I haven't disabled it in restrictions, restrictions is set to 'On' but when i try to look past this I'm asked for a 'Restrictions Passcode' Not sure what this code is. It will be whatever the default is as I haven't set up a code.
Really don't want to reset the homescreen if I can avoid it because it'll take me forever to get it back to how I've got it now.
Right. . . . . .panic over . . . . . . found it!!!
Somehow I'd managed to move the icon over 2 pages of apps, and dropped it on top of 'Notes' thus creating a folder called 'Productivity' containing 'Messages' and 'Notes'.
I've now put 'Messages' back to it's rightful home, and removed 'Notes' from the folder, thus deleting the folder, therefore all is good again.
Thanks for your help SelectiveFetus.
uhm i was putting themes on my iphone while using ifunbox and theme i guessed i changed the message icon picture ,then i guessed i deleted it and i tried putting it back on there put was just a picture and no files in side,like the other icons,uhm i was wondering if someone can snd me then files tht should be in ther or hlp me fix it please ,help meh fast