Meet Siri - Apple Style

Meet Siri - Apple Style


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Staff member
May 27, 2010
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How good is Siri you ask? Well, I'm sure Siri will tell us here in a few weeks! To get a better sneak peak of the future of the talking iPhone have a look at the video above and be sure to let us know your thoughts!
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That's pretty cool! Hope it works just like that!
If Siri works as advertised it will far exceed my expectations. Very cool technology. Apple bought the company for a pretty steep price, but seeing this type of integration, if it works, will pay off 10 fold for them.
JohnnyApple said:
If Siri works as advertised it will far exceed my expectations. Very cool technology. Apple bought the company for a pretty steep price, but seeing this type of integration, if it works, will pay off 10 fold for them.

Great statement Johnny! +1! this far beyond exceeds anything I was expecting. I didn't think we'd see anything this advanced in voice control until 2013 or so! :)!!
It's for iPhone 4s, not for iPhone 4. So it will not be in iOS 5 on iPhone 4 but iOS 5 on iPhone 4s.

Noooooooo!!! I want siri!! Seriously, i might upgrade just for that alone. I'll wait for the reviews on it and if its as amazing as apple is making it out to be then im going to upgrade.
This is one of the main reasons that people will get the iphone 4s including myself

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