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Lower photo quality on iOS 9


New Member
Aug 22, 2015
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Okay, I've had it with Apple. I wasn't sure but I checked and now I am. I had iPhone 4 that was taking 3-4MB photos, my iPhone 5S was taking 3,5MB photos while on iOS 8. After I upgraded to iOS 9 I have noticed that my biggest photo is 1,3MB (iCloud is turned off so I don't have that lower quality photos on). I have tried stabalizing, focusing, good light, EVERYTHING. The biggest photo is 1,3 MB.
I also have noticed someting or maybe is the light but dust in the camera? How did even got there? Is this possible? I really hope its iOS 9 thing. Is there any hidden option I haven't figured out or I should throw my phone wich costs me 35$ per month for 2 years out the window?
I love Apple but right now I really really hate them.
I've just looked at my photos taken before and after the update to iOS 9: there's no difference. I still have photos with more than 3 MB, and I had pictures with 1 or 1,5 MB before the update. I didn't change anything in the way I take photos, and I'm taking quite a few pictures.

This is not an issue with iOS 9.

If there's dust in the camera (or outside?) take it to the next Apple Retail Store or call Apple Support.
No, there is no dust. It was something from the light. I don't know whats going on...
I've just looked at my photos taken before and after the update to iOS 9: there's no difference. I still have photos with more than 3 MB, and I had pictures with 1 or 1,5 MB before the update. I didn't change anything in the way I take photos, and I'm taking quite a few pictures.

This is not an issue with iOS 9.

If there's dust in the camera (or outside?) take it to the next Apple Retail Store or call Apple Support.
…Is there any hidden option I haven't figured out
I love Apple but right now I really really hate them.

Hi J.A…

Be sure you don't have any filters turned on (on purpose or accidentally). That can reduce size and resolution.
I don't have filters on. Somehow I managed to take 2,8 mb photo in a good day light with lots of colors and stuff AND HDR on. But before the update they were over 2mb even with lower light