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Loving this battery life!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2012
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I have to say I'm impressed. Here's how I did it:

  • Location Services is turned on but toggled off for apps that don't absolutely need it. Apps such as Compass, Maps, Siri, Transportation apps, and Weather work better with location services toggled on.
  • Background App Refresh is toggled on (the System needs it) but third-party apps aren't allowed to use it
  • I never use Bluetooth
  • Brightness is set to 50% and Auto-Brightness is toggled off
  • I use the Control Center to turn off WiFi when I'm not using it
  • I don't have any games installed on my iPhones
  • I never manually close/kill apps. People who do this don't quite understand how the system works.


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Battery life doesn't usually bother me too much since I have an inverter in my truck and usually keep everything plugged in. Right now, I'm sitting at 86% on my (4 year old) iPhone4: Usage: 2hrs, 12 mins, Standby, 6hrs, 5mins. The iPhone 5s only came off the charger an hour ago and is still at 100%.
Down to 19% now.

Usage: 5 Hours, 17 Minutes
Standby 1 Day, 16 Hours
OK. Down to 1%. Here are the numbers.

View attachment 15821

I'm wondering if you could live without bluetooth more often. I've had many people tell me that BT is a battery hog. How do your location services and background refresh look for each app? I don't allow any 3rd party apps to do background refresh and I only allow location services for apps that absolutely need it (such as maps, compass, transportation apps, etc.).

Standby time looks good. Honestly, I'm happy if Standby time lasts more than 24 hours because I have to sleep once every 24 hours so I might as well be charging the phone while I sleep.

Battery life is one of my pet peeves, so I tweak the daylights out of my devices. Luckily, it doesn't take much with iOS devices.
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I'm wondering if you could live without bluetooth more often. I've had many people tell me that BT is a battery hog. How do your location services and background refresh look for each app? I don't allow any 3rd party apps to do background refresh and I only allow location services for apps that absolutely need it (such as maps, compass, transportation apps, etc.).

Standby time looks good. Honestly, I'm happy if Standby time lasts more than 24 hours because I have to sleep once every 24 hours so I might as well be charging the phone while I sleep.

Battery life is one of my pet peeves, so I tweak the daylights out of my devices. Luckily, it doesn't take much with iOS devices.

Update: 2 hours and 20 minutes later the phone is back up to 100% charge.

I should point out that I'm not at all careful about helping the battery. I never shut down background stuff, have push notifications coming from all angles, BT, AirDrop and everything else turned on 24/7.

Location services are turned on for everything as is background refresh.
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Update: 2 hours and 20 minutes later the phone is back up to 100% charge.

I should point out that I'm not at all careful about helping the battery. I never shut down background stuff, have push notifications coming from all angles, BT, AirDrop and everything else turned on 24/7.

Location services are turned on for everything as is background refresh.

Well, it appears that you're getting excellent battery life with all of that turned on. Good job!

Heh, iOS.. everything turned on and still getting great battery life.