Lost calendar events

Lost calendar events

Were your events based in the iPhone calendar? or in one of your mail account calendar? If it was based on the iPhone calendar, did you recently backup your iPhone? (like before upgrading to a new iOS). If your events were all based on one of your mail account, simply add your mail box and enable your mailbox calendar in setting, this will allow the cal app to read your mailbox calendar.
Well... if you do not have any backup file of your iOS i don't know how you are going to get them back. You are likely going to start from scratch again :(
Grrrr. That's what I was afraid of! Keep losing 3G signal; lost many of my contacts; lost my calendar events ..... beginning to wish I'd stuck with my reliable 3GS! Thanks for your response, anyway :)
I have the same problem, I think. Iphone calendar has removed events from my Iphone, but they are stored in Icloud. How can I get them back on my phone and keep them there?
After a software update I lost all events on my iphone calendar, backing up from icloud didn't work - eventually noticed that the calendar sync on my iphone was set to 'Events 1 Month Ago', so this worked for me:

Mail, Contacts, Calendars
(under Calendars) Sync
All Events

Hope this helps :)
I'm having a similar problem and when I search on google, it comes up with recovery software. Does anybody know if any of these are any good and which one might help me? The one I'm thinking of at the moment is enigma recovery, as they offer a free trial of the software. Can anyone help with my choice at all??
this is an old post; so hopefully you've solved your problem, but here's what I did:
under Settings, I chose Mail,Contacts &Calends, then iCloud. I turned off Calendar, but didn't delete from iCloud.Then I tuned Calenda back on chose to merge w/ iCloud. It restored my calendar on my phone.
I know this is an old post but for others who haven't sorted this out yet...
Go into Settings>Calendar>Sync and check your settings. I have found that an occasional update has changed my settings and have had to reset it but the point is, after a sync, the phone will delete events according to whatever schedule you have listed in Settings under Sync. I use the iphone calendar a a record of some things so I have it set to "All Events". That prevents any event being deleted after syncing. If you want things deleted after the fact, pick your schedule.

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