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Jailbroken iphone on t-mobile


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
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is it true that a jailbroken with t-mobile iphone will only work on the Edge network and no 3G??

I was just looking at this i4, and the girl had a 4.0.2 unlocked and 3G would not turn on.
is it true that a jailbroken with t-mobile iphone will only work on the Edge network and no 3G??

I was just looking at this i4, and the girl had a 4.0.2 unlocked and 3G would not turn on.

Yes, 3G will not work on tmobile.
So it has nothing to do with it being jailbroken at all huh.
So T-mobile internet service is not as fast as ATT right.
Ahh so t-mobile does provide a 3g network it just NOT on iphone4. got it