jailbreak your iPhone or not?

jailbreak your iPhone or not?

For sure! Use the instructional videos on the forum and you should not have any problems. You can always reverse the jailbreak, just remember to backup first on itunes.
Yeah, its easy on the homepage and it teaches you how to do it.. its safe.. and if you dont like it you can always do a restore.
Going to wait a while to jailbreak mine. Wait and see apples response to the process.
I did mine and restored back yesterday. Just a pain... I hate having to reset the springboard 10times every day... I am also a heavy skype and whatsapp user and both hardly worked. Some cool features but for me there are more basic features that I want working flawlessly than spending time restarting because something crashed.
I did mine and restored back yesterday. Just a pain... I hate having to reset the springboard 10times every day... I am also a heavy skype and whatsapp user and both hardly worked. Some cool features but for me there are more basic features that I want working flawlessly than spending time restarting because something crashed.

I agree with you. I don't want any lag on my phone as well. I don't want to worry about any other stuff you mentioned (i'm a noob on resetting/springboarding/etc) ;). Basically I want my iPhone to run smooth as a whistle.
I did mine and restored back yesterday. Just a pain... I hate having to reset the springboard 10times every day... I am also a heavy skype and whatsapp user and both hardly worked. Some cool features but for me there are more basic features that I want working flawlessly than spending time restarting because something crashed.

I agree with you. I don't want any lag on my phone as well. I don't want to worry about any other stuff you mentioned (i'm a noob on resetting/springboarding/etc) ;). Basically I want my iPhone to run smooth as a whistle.

With 512MB of ram and a 1ghz a4 processor, the iphone 4 doesn't lag at all with the new jailbreak. And really the only time it restarts the springboard is when you install a cydia app that changes some system settings or something, it's not like it does it for everything.

and you can still install apps from the app store and run them as usual, it's not like the jb changes that.

I just like being in control of what I put on my phone, and am very fond of being able to ssh transfer files and programs into it.
Going to wait a while to jailbreak mine. Wait and see apples response to the process.

same.. hopefully we will see a lot of big companies providing safer jailbreaking that cause no problems after doing so. or even apple getting so much pressure to stop limiting the phones so they need jb
I am in jail again myself. Lost the 3G connection and I was not a happy boy. I'll probably jailbreak again eventually but they need to sort out a lot of stuff for the new os first.
I am debating myself. I will probably wait until they work out all the bugs.
Cydia will never be bug free... It's more of a trial and error. Just havetoo find the programs that work best for you.
i wonder if rock will be the next cydia.. remeber in 1.XX days we used installer. and the start of 2.0 came cydia. its dominated for a few firmwares now. even though icy came along and a few others that failed miserably
Jailbreak crashed my iPhone 2-times...What a pain, My Messages stopped, working....:eek:....2 many bug problems....I'll stick with the original...:)
I jail broke my iPHONE 4 because:
1. Intelliscreen is the "killer app"

Those two apps alone are reason enough or me to jailbreak my phone. I use skype and SMS and other apps heavily and no problems.


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