iPhone 5s pricing (patterns)

iPhone 5s pricing (patterns)


Thread Starter
Sep 19, 2012
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I'm wondering about how the pricing patterns work when they release a new phone. I haven't really paid attention to prices lately seeing how I have never bought a brand new phone, still using an iPhone 4 that was second hand and coming to the end of its life very soon. Trying to decide whether to buy a 5s now or if it's worth waiting. One of these situations will happen when the 6 comes out but not sure which.

(5s based on cheapest option 16GB)

A. iPhone 5s stays at $649.99, iPhone 6 starts at a higher price
B. iPhone 5s goes down in price, iPhone 6 takes over at the $649.99 price
C. iPhone 5s goes down in price, iPhone 6 starts at a higher price

I've also heard that there is no 16GB version for the 6, which makes me think that it will be or A or C will take place with the starting price going up from the current. Does anyone have an answer as to if old models always go down in price?
I'm surprised the 5S is still hanging in there at $199.99 at Verizon, what with the 6 just around the corner. I could have sworn they were offering it at $99.00 for a while, as was Radio Shack. I'm eligible to upgrade from my 4S but I'll be damned if I'll pay that price! :-(