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Iphone 4s - Factory Unlock or Purchased Unlock ?


New Member
Sep 26, 2012
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I am looking at buying a used one of the above and although ebay says they are all unlocked, what they don't say is how this state of ' unlock ' came about, is it true that if its a bought version then whenever you connect to itunes etc it will cause issues ? I use all the usual IOS updates and Itune updates etc via Apple so don't want to buy something that will cause me grief in the future. Ta
Most eBay devices are either locked or IMEI unlocked. Rarely will you see a true factory unlocked one on eBay since they're extremely valuable and have a high market value. If you're going to buy an unlocked device, buy it from an authorized dealer or from someone you know. As scifan57 said, they're highly sought after so the chance of getting scammed is extremely high.
Thanks for that.... i will take that advice as a true factory unlocked would be nice, hopefully with the new 5s coming out it may lower the 4s prices a tad.